Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Joy and Hope - May 7

7 May 2016 ~~ 29 Abib (Nisan) 5776
Torah Parashah Acharei Mot 
Uyiqara (Leviticus) 16:1- 18:30
Joy ~ Hope
Revelation 18:23 - By your pharmokeia were the nations deceived, the same word used for modern pharmacy - Harbour Light Ministries

SSRI increases
          from 2005-2009 the amount of prescriptions written for antidepressants increased from the previous 5 years by 400%.

1 in 4 women in ages 40s and 50s take an antidepressant med.

more and more children are given SSRIs... even though research SHOWS that this leads to suicidal ideation... and worse....

about half of all scripts given (about 40%?) by PCP - are given after the patient says... “I saw on TV”......  (adds for pharmakia)

Galatians 5:19-21  p 881 Strong’s G5331  -pharmakeia  - sorcery /witchcraft

Rev 18:23 p 924 -   pharmakeia  Sorceries


“the ultimate goal of all pharmakeia, whether "legal" or "illegal," is one solitary end, which is to facilitate the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men!”

1) And they took wives for themselves and everyone chose for himself one each. And they began to go into them and were promiscuous with them. And they taught them charms and spells, and they showed them the cutting of roots and trees. 2) And they became pregnant and bore large giants. And their height was three thousand cubits. 3) These devoured all the toil of men; until men were unable to sustain them. 4) And the giants turned against them in order to devour men. 5) And they began to sin against birds, and against animals, and against reptiles, and against fish, and they devoured one another's flesh, and drank the blood from it. 6) Then the Earth complained about the lawless ones.
Enoch Chapter 7

Mercola  “U.S. Soda Consumption Falls to 30-Year Low”  April 13, 2016

What happens when you drink a soda:

20 oz bottle of soda contains the equivalent of 16 teaspoons of sugar, typically in the form of HFCS.
The rise in blood sugar is quite rapid…. Here’s a play by play… of what happens in your body upon drinking a can of soda:
-Within 20 minutes, your blood sugar spikes, and your liver responds to the resulting insulin burst by turning massive amounts of sugar into fat.
-Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete, your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your liver dumps more sugar into  your bloodstream.
-Around 45 minutes , your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain – a physically identical response to that of heroin, by the way.
-After 60 minutes, you’ll start to have a blood sugar crash, and you may be tempted to reach for another sweet snack or beverage
The health effects don’t stop after one hour, either.  A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming beverages with low, medium or high amounts of HFCS increased risk factors for heart disease within two weeks.

Research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions suggested sugary beverages are to blame for about 183,000 deaths worldwide each year, including 133,000 diabetes deaths, 44,000 heart disease deaths and 6,000 cancer deaths.

Among the 35 largest countries in the world, Mexico had the highest death rates associated with sugary beverage consumption.  There, the average consumption of sugary beverages was 24 ounces per day.  The U.S. ranked 3rd with an estimated 25,000 annual deaths from sweetened drinks. 

Fruit juice can easily contain as much sugar as soda, with similar impacts on your health.


In the U.S there are approximately 43,000 suicides each year... 120 per day.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among adolescents ages 15-19 

Each year there are 1.2 million suicide attempts (estimated) in the U.S.


What has happened to our society?
-   run by the Dragon....

reading about Nimrod....   seeing the big picture....

How does that effect each of us every day??

What you hear - ...

Faith comes by hearing.....

          plants or programs what is in your mind....

(talk about Dr. Leaf’s fast food example)

why can’t people eat healthy??..... (Dr. Leaf)


James 1:2-3 p 810

Psalm 27:5-7 p 505

Psalm 21:5-7 p 502

Psalm 119:110-112 p 541
Proverbs 10:28-30  p 554

Romans 15:13 p 850

Hebrews 12:1-3 p 822


Galutyah (Galatians) 5:22-25 p 881

Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 6:10-19 p 887

How do you think??

The world / the dragon is telling you one thing....

What will YOU do?

Hope  - Joy -
~~~~ amein

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