May 2016 ~ 29 Abib (Nisan) 5776
Parashah - Kidushim - (Holy People)
(Leviticus) 19:1-20:27 RSTNE p 95
want to pick out of few verses and talk about them. I hope you read the entire parashah.
19:2 p 95
to all the congregation of the children of Yisra’el, and say to them, You shall
be kidushim: for I YHUH your Alohim am kadosh.”
= holy Strong’s H6918 - sacred, holy, saint, set apart
= holy people)
- people can be defiled, and things and homes and land...
up defilement
you shall not swear byMy Name falsely, neither shall you defile the Name of
your Alohiym: I am YHUH.
p 96
shall guard My chukim (statutes, ordinances).
You shall not let your cattle mate with a diverse kind: you shall not sow your field with mixed
zera: neither shall a garment mixed of
linen and wool come upon you.”
shall not eat anything with the dahm: neither shall you use enchantment, nor
observe times.”
p 96
your flesh and tattoos
19:30 p
shall guard My Shabbats and reverence My Kadosh-Place: I am YHUH.”
talks about sexual sins...
a man also lies with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have
committed an abomination...”
20: 22-23
shall therefore guard all My chukim, and all My mishpatim, and do them: that
the land, where I bring you to dwell, will not spit you out.
And you shall not have your halacha in the customs of the nations, which I cast
out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred
shall therefore make a difference between clean living creatures and unclean,
and between unclean fowls and clean: and you shall not make your beings
abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creeps
on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.”
you shall be kidushim to Me: for I YHUH am kadosh, and have separated you from
other peoples, that you should be
not those who are mediums, neither seek after spiritists, to be defiled by
them.” (CJB says spirit mediums or
sorcerers, KJ says familiar spirits or wizards)
20: 27
man, or woman who is a spiritist, or that is a medium, shall surely be put to
death....” (CJB says spirit mediums or
sorcerers, KJ says familiar spirits or wizards)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :
is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly
mediate communication between spirits
of the dead and living human beings.[1][2]
to contact the dead date back to early human history, with mediumship gaining
in popularity during the 19th century. Investigations during this period
revealed widespread fraud—with
some practitioners employing techniques used by stage magicians—and the
practice started to lose credibility.[3][4] The practice still
continues into the 21st century, with high-profile fraud uncovered as recently
as the 2000s.[5]
researchers have attempted to ascertain the validity of claims of mediumship.
An experiment undertaken by the British
Psychological Society led to the conclusion that the test subjects
demonstrated no mediumistic ability.[6]
different variants of mediumship exist; arguably the best-known forms involve a
spirit allegedly taking control of a medium's voice and using it to relay a
message, or where the medium simply "hears" the message and passes it
on. Other forms involve materializations
of the spirit or the presence of a voice, and telekinetic activity.
practice is associated with several religious-belief systems
such as Vodoun, Spiritualism,
Spiritism, Candomblé, Voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups.
Spiritism and Spiritualism the medium
has the role of an intermediary between the world of the living and the world
of spirit. Mediums claim that they can listen to and relay messages from
spirits, or that they can allow a spirit to control their body and speak
through it directly or by using automatic writing or drawing.
classify types of mediumship into two main categories: "mental" and
mediums allegedly "tune in" to the spirit world by listening,
sensing, or seeing spirits or symbols.
mediums are believed to produce materialization of spirits, apports
of objects, and other effects such as knocking, rapping, bell-ringing, etc. by
using "ectoplasm"
created from the cells
of their bodies and those of seance attendees.
seances, mediums are said to go into trances, varying from light to deep, that
permit spirits to control their minds.[7]
can be seen as the modern form of the old mediumship, where the "channel"
(or channeller) allegedly receives messages from "teaching-spirit",
an "Ascended Master",
from God, or from an angelic entity, but essentially through
the filter of his own waking consciousness (or "Higher Self").[8][9]
met a lady this week...
something just seemed very wrong to me....
had a pair of “angel wings” on a chain around her neck....and eventually
started telling me how her life has been changed because she found a store
that has nice “angel things” - but in the
back, they have classes - about meditation and contacting our loved ones that
have died (HELLO - this is a medium!)
and other similar things -and she talked about how much better she is
doing. Her dead mother speaks to her and
sends her messages “all the time”... “she’s always here”.
didn’t need to hang out much longer.
woman is not any different than most people!
world can not tell you that YHUH says don’t get tattoos and don’t cut yourself
in Uyiqara 19:28... or where the Torah speaks of homosexuality in Uyiqara
world thinks it is just fine to go to a medium and have them talk to the dead
for you.
how our Abba Yah’s heart must hurt.
Torah parashah is a perfect example of why we need to know the Word.
whole parashah - is talking about what makes us kadosh or not....
Yah speaks of:
not defiling His Name
giving your children to molech (abortion could be seen as this)
taking vengeance
mixing seed - of animals or of seed in field (GMO is mixing seed/DNA)
wearing linen and wool (remember the two high frequency items stop each other’s
signal... and so it will be negative number)
committing sexual sins, including adultery, homosexuality, and beastiality
eating unclean things
your halacha in His instructions.
Keeping Shabbats.
think back over what I said that Yah speaks against in this Torah Parashah....
and what He says to do....
does this fit in our world today??!!
look at what He calls us to do?....
His instructions, and his Shabbats...
How much do you know of this happening in the World today. :(
week I have read Lew White’s book: Reapers. Wow.
like to share a bit....
Kefa (Peter) 3:1-18
p 829
writes in Reapers:
At Acts 7, Stephen made bold statements
against the "host of
heaven" they put everywhere, as we
see in the ruins of ancient
synagogues: mosaics of the zodiac! The
'star' some have
assumed to be the star if Daud (David)
mentioned at Acts 7:42 is
really another familiar symbol. Stephen
said they "bowed down"
to the star. No one, ever, has bowed
down to the seal of Daud's
name. It isn't even a
"religious" symbol at all. It's a king's name
spelled with two Hebrew letters that
later became the Greek
letter Delta.
The crux is the symbol of Sun worship
known all around the
world, and many today continue to bow
down to it, or wear it as a
talisman. It was a symbol of
Constantine's Apollo, aka Mithras.
Hindu's know the symbol as a swastika,
the Norse as the Celtic
Crux, and in the temple of Osiris it was
identical to the Latin
cross. That is the symbol Stephen was
referring to. The Greek
word STAUROS should have gone
into the Latin word, STAURO -
but Jerome adopted the word CRUX for
the Latin Vulgate, and
we've inherited the word from the Latin
Vulgate into the King
James Version as cross. The cross is the
ancient astrological
symbol for the Sun, Constantine's Sol
His edict in 321 forced the whole Roman
empire to pay homage
to the Sun by resting from all labors on
the first day of the week.
We were warned there would be a ruler
who would think to
change Torah at Danial 7:25. Constantine
did it, and he picked
the one Commandment that happens to be
the sign of the
How suspicious is that?
King James was born into Anglican
Catholicism. He was born June 19, 1566 at Edinburgh Castle, and
baptized that same year on December 17, 1566 in a Catholic ceremony at Stirling
Castle. He was six months old; an
age we must acknowledge is too young to walk or have meaningful speech skills.
Those who adhere to the Authorized
Version exclusively as being inerrant and superior to all other English
versions have to admit it is a Catholic
translation, and it inherited all the errors from the Latin Vulgate,
including the word CRUX. The Greek word STAUROS
matches the Hebrew word NAS, and
is a single upright pole. When Jerome (Sophronius) translated the Latin Vulgate
in the late 4th
century, he avoided the Latin word STAURO
(matching the Greek word STAUROS), and inserted CRUX. So the KJV today
reflects the word cross, the ancient
symbol of Sun worship, first brought into the new faith called Catholicism
during the reign of Constantine. Another huge error is the elimination of the Name Yahuah, and the use of the Latin Dominus. Dominus was the title for the
Sun deity Apollo (Sol Invictus Mithras) worshipped by Constantine. LORD is the
definition of the Hebrew word BAAL.
The destruction of the Name Yahuah is forbidden by the third Commandment; but
to insert the translation of a proper noun (the name BAAL) in its
place (LORD) is nothing short of blasphemous. The reapers will unleash Yahuah’s
wrath upon this whole Earth for good reason.
The dragon has blinded us, comforting us
with lies and maxims. We have inherited ONLY
lies and futility (YirmeYahu 16:19).
The KJV also inherited the theonym IESV from the Latin Vulgate. This IESV
is seen in the KJV underlined, IESV –
a titlos, indicating it stands in place
of a name. The later editions of the KJV introduced the name JESUS for the
very first time on this planet. Before the 17th century, no one had ever seen or
heard this name, yet all Christendom is united under it today. JESUS has no
Hebrew meaning whatsoever, but the true Name does.
Yahusha. It means “I am your Deliverer.”
It is by our immersion into the Name of Yahusha that we are protected from the
REAPERS that are coming. His Name seals us for protection on the day of wrath.
Releasing the Truth will free us from the inherited errors, and is not intended
to judge those who never knew. Those ignorant will receive few blows. Abiding
in (practicing) the Ten Commandments will set us apart from those on the broad
path to destruction.
Yahusha said to those Yahudim who believed Him,
you stay in My Word, you are truly My taught ones, and you shall know the
Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.’” - Yn. 8:31-32
There’s a mark identified by a behavior:
buying and selling.
Those not having the behavior of buying
and selling don’t have
the mark. Because it’s a riddle we have to solve, we need
wisdom to deduce who’s who, and what’s
– Remove Elements To Reach A Conclusion
A riddle conceals something only obvious
to the riddler.
If the one solving the riddle does not
have the specific
they lack the wisdom to solve it.
Samson posed a riddle at Judges 14 which
could never be
solved because he alone knew the
allegorical components.
The world is deceived by the beast, the teaching authority of
Babel, guiding all, small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave,
in what they are thinking (forehead) and behaving
(right hand,
Rev. 13:1, 17). A specific behavior is
described in the riddle:
that “no
one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of
the beast, or the number of his name.” The verse is not saying the beastly
mark, name, or number is what is keeping anyone from buying and selling. It
simply says the one not having the mark, name, or number of the beast “should not be able to buy and sell.” This
calls for wisdom.
What is wisdom? It’s explained in so
many places, here’s one:
I have taught you laws and right-rulings, as Yahuah My Alahim commanded me, to
do in the land which you go to possess. And you shall guard and do them, for
this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of the peoples who
hear all these laws, and they shall say,
a wise and understanding people is this great nation!’ For what great nation is
there which has Alahim so near to it, as Yahuah our Alahim is to us, whenever
we call on Him? And what great nation is there that has such laws and righteous
right-rulings like all this Torah which I set before you this day? Only, guard
yourself, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the Words your eyes
have seen, and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of your life.
And you shall make them known to your children and your grandchildren.” – Dt. 4:5-9 BYNV
This was after spending 40 years in the
wilderness being trained by the manna as to how to determine which day is
A strong lesson comes from the reason
for the captivity in Babel for 70 years. They failed to allow the land to rest.
Then, after a remnant returned, they
started to ignore resting on the seventh day, buying and selling with
traders who came into the walls on the Shabath.
men of Tsor dwelt there, bringing in fish and all kinds of goods, and sold them
on the Shabath to the children of Yahudah, and in Yerushalayim.” Neh 13:16
The sign (mark) of the everlasting
Covenant is the Shabath. Only those obeying Yahuah’s Ten Commandments have the wisdom to know how to recognize which day
not to buy and sell. There is also a “Shabath of Shabaths,” a fast, which we
who have wisdom know is coming, so we practice for it each year.
Some say the Romans messed-up the
weekdays. Yahusha recognized all the weekly Shabaths and annual appointments of
those around Him, and never mentioned one word about them being incorrect in
their calculations. There has been no change attempted by anyone since He was
here. The Romans simply use a pagan term for the 7th day (Saturday, Saturn’s Day), but
it’s still the Shabath. It’s still blessed since Creation, and we stop buying and selling on it every week, and rest
as Yahuah rested. On the tenth day of the 7th moon is a “Shabath of Shabaths” – a
The majority of Christians have been
listening to poisonous teachings, making them unprepared to stand in the day of
wrath. Some may be the “survivors” whom Yahuah will call, assisted by the Natsarim who will be on Earth during the distress. The
Natsarim are the elect (chosen ones) for whom the duration of the distress
will be lessened. Our purpose during the distress will be to help people be
restored to the Covenant. They must be helped to overcome many false teachings
learned from misguided preachers. They will learn
that Sun-day is not the day Yahuah blessed,
and because of their distress, they will
listen to us more closely. They will not argue about the true Name, and
many will submit to immersion for the remission of sins, and be sealed for
Those teachers who hold to the
“pre-Tribulation rapture” in spite of the above texts claim that those being
gathered in the end of days are those who turned to Yahuah during the distress.
These things will happen rapidly, shortened for the sake of the elect. They
tell their Christian assemblies that those who listen to them will be in a
special group who really understand, and they will see nothing of the terrors
and birth-pangs, and the fiery cataclysm at the very end of days. They believe
they are “in heaven” during the distress, and will come with Yahusha when
He returns. The text says we will all see Him coming, be gathered
by malakim into the air to meet Him, and continue down
with Him as the New Yerushalayim. We never “go to heaven” as most understand
“heaven.” We will reign with Yahusha in His Kingdom of heaven located
here on a renewed Earth. His Throne will be on Earth, and we will be with Him
Amos 5 and Yual 2 explain to us that the
Day of Yahuah is a day of great darkness, and Yahusha’s words at Mt. 24 are
given to us so we will be comforted when we see the sun literally turn off like a lamp. It will still be
glowing RED-HOT, but it will be so
dark that we would be struck with terror if we didn’t realize what was going
“For the Master Yahuah does no matter
unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared!
Who is not afraid? The Master Yahuah has spoken! Who would not prophesy? - Amus 3:7,8
“And there shall be signs in the Sun,
and Moon, and stars, and on the Earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at
the roaring of the sea, and agitation, men fainting from fear and the
expectation of what is coming on the Earth, for the powers of the heavens shall
be shaken. And then they shall see the Son of Adam coming in a cloud with power
and much esteem. And when these matters begin to take place, look up and lift
up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” - Luk 21:25-28
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