Monday, December 19, 2016

B're'shiyt - The Truth About Cancer 8C

26 November 2016 
B’re’shiyt #3  based on Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt Word by Word study.
The Truth About Cancer 8C
YHUH declares truth from the beginning - Harbour Light Ministries



1.   YHUH shows us the spiritual in the natural.
2.    In Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 46:10 Yah declared the end in the beginning!  (Not that He just “knew” it!)
3.   YHUH created the seen from the unseen.
4.   “Yah did not begin creation with man... but with earth and water and atmosphere, and vegetation and animals etc....  Yah has embedded His truth, His theology, into His natural creation...  He put it in the natural because He knows things we don’t... and He reveals them to us logically - he plants them - pun intended - in the beginning
          -Yah knew that in the natural would still be true in
          today... as it was in the beginning.
          -If He’d have given them to man - man would have changed           things!!!...

          ... like - the calendar and seasons etc, that He  put in the heavens so that man could not manipulate.
          - The heavens are always faithful -they instinctively do
          what Yah has created them to do.... 
          -Where as man makes choices to not serve - and the plants and           animals can not.”

5.   “B’re’shiyt” is not about time - it is a title. (The One who always was)
6.   Pattern or Torah  = creation complete - fall - restoration.
          world, man, Yisra’el (His people).
7.   B’re’shiyt - All of Torah - starts with a letter bet =“bayit” (HOUSE)
          =”A house, a family, and a piece of land.”
8.   PARDES = peshat - remez - derash - sod
9.   Positive Hebrew words all go back to - “something that is collected together / made whole/ gathered together and drawn into one.”
10.            Negative Hebrew words go back to - “taking something and breaking it / crushing it / destroying so not useful for it’s designed purpose.”
11.           7 Hebrew words in  B’re’shiyt 1:1, only 6 are translated. (Not - aleph and tov.)
12.           7 Words  represent the 7 branch  MENORAH -
          B’re’shiyt, bara, Alohiym
                    ET (aleph tov)
          ha’shamayim v-et ha’aretz

          bet - resh- aleph
          = created
-   literally- top open up, to make visible, as a seed does. 

We need to understand that...

AFTER B’re’shiyt1:1... (so that means in verses 2 - 21...and forward!!!)
 ---There is no more creating going on...

According to the Hebrew words - we only have “forming” and “calling”and “letting be”, etc... going on. 

Creation was already done in verse one.
Done as in - “completed”....

YHUH uses things in the shamayim - the unseen things..
and the seen things - which comes out of the earth

“It is important to note that the bottom line - is that CREATION was not in the beginning with Yah but rather only the Word was with Yah in “the beginning”.”

          - This is important to understand - it goes back to the fact that B’re’shiyt is not a time line - it is a title!

Yochanan (John) 1:1 p 754... the Word precedes creation...
“B’re’shiyt was the Word, the Living Torah, and the Living Torah was with YHUH and the Living Torah was YHUH.
=There is no creation at the place before creation happened....
There was only the Living Torah.

Qolesayah (Colossians) 1:15 p 892
-preceding creation... ( a misunderstood word) “Who is the image of the invisible Aloah, the Bachor (prototokos) of all creation.”

-   In verse 14, speaking of Messiah.. in whom we have redemption...
-   verse 15 describes Who it is that we can have forgiveness of sins (redemption) from ...
-   and that is the invisible Aloah who takes on flesh....

Brad says “I don’t comprehend what is so difficult to understand what would be such a simple act for God to do....”

BUT here is where it is confusing and then CLEAR....
listen closely...

Prototakos = “beginning” / “prototype”....   also used to express “the very first one I made” / “prototype”... 
          This is the Greek word we would use to express “making something” or .... “the first produced”

= So if that is all we know - we could think - in this one verse “the Father made the Son”....

BUT we MUST remember - they are ONE....

AND... prototakos.... ALSO means = “to have preeminence”...
          and  “to come before”.

So it doesn’t have to mean that the Aleph Tov - the Messiah, is part of creation... prototakos means here... “the one who comes before”...
and “the one who was YHUH in the beginning and always has been.”

Qolesayah (Col.) 1:16 p 892
“For by Him/ prototakus were all things created.”

Brad said....”how silly - you can’t be the creator and the one that is created at the same time...if you are going to use this in a physical sense then you need to keep it in physical - can’t just move back and forth from physical to spiritual...”

by HIm were all things created = making a point here of this word used here in respect to a title... in Him - the title of Messiah who came before all things because He created all things!!
He is before all things....
and He is the head of the body the kelalot/ assembly...

He is the ONE who is the beginning - the first born - the Bachor, - in all things He has the preeminence...

Mizmor (Tehillim) (Psalm) 119:160  p 542
“Your words are true from B’re’shiyt, and every one of Your tzadik mishpatim endures le-olam-va-ed.”

YHUH’s word is truth and it is from THE BEGINNING (= THE ONE WHO ALWAYS WAS!! - THE TITLE.)

“AND YHUH reveals the same Truth to every generation and as you begin to really search for the treasures in the Torah - (1st five books ) which are going to make more sense throughout the rest of Torah...

and then you will see the fruit - from this seed in the beginning... 

-   the same seed that began them all is in them all... that same Truth/seed will be in all the fruit.

So let’s go back to BARA...

The word BARA doesn’t show up again until we have the ha’nephesh (souls) of the animals and the humans...their bodies come from the earth...

....but their souls come from heaven / spirit... that which going to come from Yah and that is going to be a CREATION - something out of His Word...

..... Everything else is MAKING from what was created....

Yah places all His theology in the natural things/ in the creation in the beginning... :)

          6 days are a reflection of what Yah does to make them good..very good

          After creation has been remade in B’RE’SHIYT 1:2 ......
 Yah is going to take His Word and shape and form them.. in the 6 days...

          After man is born again.. Torah maintains   Romans 8 creation is groaning for its new body, just like we are waiting for a new body... 

Us through resurrection, and in the end there will be a new heaven and new earth!
:)  AMEIN... Baruch habah bashem YHUH!!!

Sh’mot (Ex) 20:11 p 63
“For in six days YHUH made the shamayim and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh yom:  therefore YHUH blessed the Shabbat  yom and set it apart.”
 = This verifies that MAKING takes place in 6 literal days - not geological time periods  !!

YHUH begins in the natural -
          - He can’t begin with the spiritual...because we won’t                               understand....

-   Brad said - “So what YHUH did in the absolute statement of B’re’shiyt 1:1 is not the way it looks now.” 

and he goes on to say...  “I can’t prove that - I wasn’t there in B’re’shiyt 1:1.

“We do have a pretty good idea of what they look like after that even thou we have had a violent flood take place... 

BUT we don’t know what creation looked like before the flood...(Not talking about man... but about creation.)

In B’re’shiyt 1:1-  we have the heavens and earth... and it must have been so far past words like “incredible, and awesome, and amazing, and breathtaking”... that I can’t imagine....

.... Then in verse 2 corruption takes place in verse 2.

Brad says....
          “there are some versions say OF” - “In the beginning OF his creation.”

Brad goes on to say -  I don’t believe that is is like this....  because we know - based on the word BARA - it is a perfected thing....- creation, a DONE deal.

BARA - Bet - Resh - Aleph ... as we said earlier...

We talked about Resh and Bet == “the house in which Yah’s family is going to be brought into.”

= That is what the prophets are all about... preceding the prophets- you have YHUH’s whole house being divided and the prophets are about reuniting the house...

          BECAUSE - YHUH’s in the business of having ONE house.... 

Remember what the positive words mean?...

YHUH takes things and makes them whole/one again. :)

          you can see the very fist 3 letters repeat in B’resheet bara...
ְבּ ֵרא ִשׁית 
Bet - Resh - Aleph

B’re’shiyt  - has the whole idea of the creation being involved,

but it is buried in the word “beginning” or B’re’shiyt ...

= rosh - esh...  speaking of fire.... sheet - sons of Noah/ = Seth... to a place... 
-   Take the letters of B’re’shiyt and rearrange them...
-   you get
-   biet rosh = the head of the house... 

-   house is a bet

-   rosh = head...

          Right here in the first word of Torah -
This is the first house,
           and the house begins with the head of it...
          and the head is just there - Yah himself...
He is there - He is.
-   No explanation of how the head go there... He just was....
= “The ONE who always was”.

The Truth About Cancer 8C

Earlier in episode 8 we learned about:
          Gerson Therapy
          Collagenases - digestive enzymes that destroy cancer cells =
                    micronutrients = Vitamin C, amino acid lysine, n-acetylcysteine, copper, selenium, the active component from green tea called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, and quercetin. 
          These are anti-inflamitory

There is a free on line book - by Dr. Niedzwiecki - “Victory Over Cancer

-   Our society is punishing the inventors instead of honoring them!

Eat real food and eat clean food!

Spices are medicine!
Phytochemicals - oregano, thyme, ginger, turmeric... carnisol found in rosemary = anticancer!

Bosmeric-SR, curcumin, Boswellin, ginger, black pepper.

Acidity - need to neutralize ... water neutralizes :)

Oxygen = very important... ultimately fires up the immune system.

Coffee enema - flush toxins - heavy in glutathione transferase = the most potent detoxifying enzyme in the human body.

Laetrile vitamin B17 - apricot kernel ... along with hyperthermia.

“Everything in Nature is MEDICINE!”

Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar.

Aspirin is derived from white willow bark


HEMP - cannabis oil... THC has anti-cancer property.

at 52:12



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