Friday, December 16, 2016

Torah Portion Lech Lecha - Truth About Cancer 8A - November 12

12 November 2016 - 11 Cheshvan 5777
Torah Parashah - Lech Lecha  B’re’shiyt 12:1-17:27
Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt teaching 1:1
The Truth About Cancer 8A

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Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt teaching B’re’shiyt 1:1

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 46:10 p 329 RSTNE
“Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.”

-Usually it is taught that Yah knows the end in the beginning.

-In Hebrew it says that YHUH declares the end IN the beginning.

Our Scriptures should say
Declaring the end IN the beginning - not FROM.

1. first we will read about creation ... completed
          and then the fall
          and then the restoration
    and eventually we will see new heaven and new earth

2.     Second we will read about man -complete
          and then the fall
          and then the restoration restore
   and man kind waiting for a new body

3 and collectively Isra’el...  created
          and then the fall
          and then restoration by Messiah as revealed in prophets in         
          and in the Tanakh
          and then the Bride is made complete and whole in the end...

Pashat - actual story on page - simple meaning
Remez -  reading between the lines
Derash- how it compares with other Scriptures, not explicit           in text
Sod - prophetic / deeper/ mystical

We need to remember -
Hebrew begins in / based in -  agriculture!
YHUH shows us the seen so we understand the unseen!

B’re’shiyt 1:1

7 Hebrew words start the scriptures - 6 are translated, one is not...

B’re’shiyt = “in the beginning”

          = three letter consonant root = raw word that begins all Hebrew words.

Brad says ....
          if Hebrew is the mother tongue - the  basis for which all words come from = the Hebrew 3 letter root,
           and this Hebrew 3 letter root will always reflect the action. 

IE - Mississippi River - all kinds of stuff dumped in it...
many of us have been drinking out of Mississippi River as it dumps into gulf... but it begins at the source... clean (or a lot cleaner than at the gulf!) !

          = example of  taking words back to the root

Bre’shyit = bet resh alaph shin yod tov

          - Take apart prefix and suffix we remove

          1. bet =  which means “to be inside” and remove
          2. yod and tov which gives its feminine singular meaning

          The root is = resh aleph shin = “to cause something to enter into motion”
          - Produces action.... 

           - Translated as “beginning, first, first fruits, chief, head,      some”,

-   Brad also suggests - that this is a title and expression of the Messiah ...
-   a word that refers to: “He that begins all things”...

-   It does not refer to time - not time because we don’t have heaven and earth yet .... time is a dimension and time has to have matter or mass in order for there to be time...

-    We have to have something to measure time by -  otherwise can’t have “time”. 

-   YHUH is outside of time and not subject to matter or mass.

-    YHUH can become a man in time and dwell with us.. and yet still be a spirit... because He is Alohiym and He is multidimensional...

-   He can do that...  when He takes on flesh he dwells on man... THEN there is something to measure by... (has to have flesh to die for the people)

The 1st 7 words of Torah constantly show us who is responsible for bringing time and matter into existence.

B’re’shiyt is often
Translated  ROSH =
          If you look on page 3 in your manual you can see references for where this word is translated as ...

          Ezra 1:5 “head” = chief
          B’rehity 2:10 / 3:15  “heads” - rivers and head of serpent    “head”  (bruise = crush)

          B’midbar 1:2 = “sum” title of Messiah... WHO.... a source of all things... not referring to time....  but a person... a title. 

As we study Hebrew words.. words that we would generally see as positive words...
          As we trace them (all the positive words) back we find they are related to similar background of meaning of:
           === something that is collected together/made whole/gathered together and drawn into one.

And as we search back negative words - we are going to see that they (all the negative words!)  also share similar meaning of:
          === taking something and breaking it/crushing it/destroying so not useful for designed purpose...

The beginning word or Torah -  “B’resheet” - goes back to gathering things and making them whole.

          Revelation 1:8 beginning and ending...  I am...
                    3:14 to the angel of the church... the faithful and true           witness the beginning....

Not understanding this one can draw conclusion that Messiah is part of creation.. no this is a title... he exists... there is no explanation.

Most religions explain where their god came from -
But Scripture does not do this....
-God exists He just is and we don’t know how He got there.... 
Bayit -
Bayit enlarged in the text = faces the opening of the house... this letter is facing all the rest of scripture all the rest of the Words...
           In pictograph = tent like structure... and we know that based on pictographs...  (paleo Hebrew has gone through a shifting evolution... turning letters....  by the time we get to even Dead Sea Scroll =  we get to the opening to the left... we really don’t know if that is how it was in the beginning.... but we know it is a consistent picture of a house or tent like structure.)

The point is --
          -all the Word starts with a house...
and all things of Yah will be in the house and everything not of house will be outside of house...

Mattityahu 13:1 p 688
          “the same yom Yahusha went out of the bayit, and sat by the seaside. (Seaside would have been west of where He was!)

          This is why - in the parable of the sower.. Yahusha went out of house and went to the West... with the purpose of bringing them back to the house. 
          When we think of those who are lost - they are in the West...

{Yabal = yod bet lamid   = to take by the hand and lead to the house and have a family.}

So YHUH begins Torah with  - the house... 

He sets it perfect... but man falls... and in order for man to be in  Yah’s house... He has to bring them back to His house 

Heb 3:1-6  p 815  “faithful to him that appointed Moshe was faithful in his house...”
“He who has built the house has more honor than he who is the house...”  = Refers to Messiah as one who built the house and Moshe as the house.
vs 4 every house built by some man... but he that built all things is YHUH.  = indirect reference to the Messiah here.

Messiah, as a son over his own house, whose house are we if we hold fast...?

We are referred to as the house, He is referred to as the son or builder... b/c in Hebrew, a builder word is the same word as the word for son...

There is also play on words in Matt 16:15-20 p 691
          As Kepha confesses who messiah is... and Messiah says in 16:18  “and upon this Rock I will restore...” - This is a play on words with “builder” and “son”... that you can’t see in English...

house of Yah -
Ephsiyah (Ephesians) 2:19-22  p 884
          In 2:20 = “Rosh Pina” = corner stone in beginning

B’re’shiyt 6:14  p 12 -in the building of the Ark.. ... 
          The image that is being drawn here is  a great disaster and Yah is going to protect his people... by placing them into this great HOUSE... an ark not a boat... They will be placed in there and protected !!!

Ivrim (Hebrews) 1:10 P 814
“And, You, YHUH, in the beginning have laid the foundation of the earth; and the shamayim are the works of Your hands:”

          = YHUH has laid the foundation....  foundation of ONE temple/ONE tabernacle/ONE house... and that is when you lay the corner stone which is the Messiah....

We must know....
All things begin in B’resheet 1 - not at Pentecost!!!”

Yochanan  (John) 1:1 p 754
“B’re’shiyt was the Word, the Living Torah, and the Living Torah was with YHUH and the Living Torah was YHUH.”

This starts with a title establishing who “God” / Elohiym / YHUH  is.


Debarim (Deut) 32:4 p 163
“He is the Rock, His work is perfect:  for all His halachot are just: an Al of emet and without iniquity, tzadik and right is He.”

“He is the rock”   = verifies that his work was perfect... 7 words.. also the number of completeness....

7 words form a menorah...  7 branches including a servant branch... 

One side of Menorah:
          B’re’shiyt Barah Alohim
                    in the beginning Yah created
On the other side...  the object of his creation -
          ha Shamayim v-et ha-aretz
                    the heavens and the earth

In the middle  = the Aleph Tov

Let’s look at that picture of the Menorah with the Commandments:

Yah’s commandments are divided up that way

-1st 4 = worship of Yah
-Last 5 relationship with man
-What separates them is the Shabbat = “a covenant sign between you and me”...  = the Messiah himself...

Some people asked why begin with a bet and not an aleph... 
          Because - Yah had no beginning
That is why he starts out with His house

This also refers to all seen and all unseen matter
Qorintyah Bet (2 Corin.) 4:18 p 867
          “We look not and gilah (rejoice) not at the things, that are seen, but at the things that are not seen:  for the things that are seen are temporal; but the things that are not seen are le-olam-va-ed.”

Again - remember we have the natural so we understand the spiritual.
Another way to say this is - YHUH has given us the seen so we can understand the unseen.


Episode 8 - The Truth About Cancer


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