Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Explaining Book of Covenant and Book of Law and the New Covenant

Explaining Book of Covenant and Book of Law and the New Covenant

Explaining the Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law - Harbour Light Ministries

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Explaining the Book of Covenant and Book of Law and the New Covenant 

If you are on Torah to the Tribes mailing list you know that Jim Staley wrote a very long - very big mess - and very arrogant and rude article on his blog trying to refute Matthew’s teachings on this topic.

I couldn’t believe the attack mode.
I couldn’t believe the arrogance
And I couldn’t believe that anyone would do that to anyone working to understand faith.
I encourage you to read at least part of it.
I could talk a long time about that article.. but I realize it’s the intent of the enemy to take our focus away from what we are studying.
But I will say - that he could have done it asking some very valid questions...  he did not.

okay so let’s go on.


Let’s say first of all - from our perspective...
some good questions:

1.   How come there is not a big marker in the text here?
2.   How come Judaism is NOT telling the world about this?
3.   YHUH says the Truth is not too hard to get - so is this true... because it seems so complicated that I hardly understand it!

What we are talking about today is not new to us - but it is new enough that we are probably not very good at sharing it... and we really need a clear understanding.  

So... diving in....

When I first taught this I gave a handout on the Melchizedek Priesthood... 


The Melchizedek Priesthood and Book of Covenant and Book of Law

B’re’shiyt 12 - YHWH’s Everlasting Oath
          Made to Avraham and his descendants.  This oath is eternal, unbreakable and not dependent on humans.  Salvation through covenant.

Book of Covenant – Genesis 1:1 – Exodus 24:11…. This is what we keep.
B’re’shiyt 15 Promise Covenant
Made with Avraham and his descendants, at Avraham’s request.  YHWH promised his own death if the Covenant was ever broken.  This Covenant had a death position and was breakable (hence Yahusha’s death as YHUH’s lamb). - The smoking furnace and the  burning lamp that walked between.  Entrance into this Covenant was marked by the “token” of physical circumcision estab. in B’re’shiyt 17.

430 years

Sh’mot 19-24  The Answer / The Sealing of the Covenant of Promise/ Inheritance Marriage Covenant.
Promise enacted.  Ratified by Avraham’s descendants at Mt Sinai.  Isra’el and YHUH enter into a marriage-type agreement.  Yisra’el called to be a nation OF priests under the Meklek -Tzedek.  Book of Covenant is placed inside the Ark of the Covenant.

40 days

Sh’mot 32  Golden Calf Incident – The “wall of separation”
Marriage covenant/ The Answer - is broken

Sh’mot 24:12 starts the Book of the Law
          This was in imposed on law – nobody agreed and there was no blood in the “making” of this book (despite the fact that there is a lot of blood in it!).   The followers are under a curse  (Gal. 3:17-19)

D’varim 31:26 - Book of Law put on the side of the Ark of the Covenant
The Book of the Law = added, imposed, inferior, prescriptive and temporary.
Set the Ark of the Covenant as a witness against them, and it was put on the outside of the Ark of the Covenant.  Yisra’el is now a nation WITH priests.  Levitical Law and Levitical Priesthood established instead of Melchizedek.

Yirmeyahu 31:31 “See the days are coming, says YHUH, that I will make a Brit Chadasha - New Brit with Beit Yisra’el, and with Beit Y’hudah.”
= The promise of a NEW Covenant! (Can’t be a “renewed” covenant – It’s new with Yahusha’s blood making covenant.
He will give us a new heart and write His covenant on our hearts.

The Lamb of YHUH – Yahusha dies - the death position enacted for the breaking of the Covenant.  And then is established as Cohen HaGadol... the Melchizedek is re-established.  Circumcision of the heart.

The Melchizedek Priesthood is operational  - functioning under Yahusha.  This priesthood keeps the Melchizedek Covenant, its issues and appointed times.  It always connects back to Avraham.

A future Melchizedek Appointed Time:  Marriage of the Lamb to His Bride Yisra’el. 

1.  Book of the Covenant and Book of the Law are not synonymous 
2.  Deuteronomy 31:26 p 161  “Take this scroll of the Torah, and put it at the side of the Ark of the Testimony of YUH your Alohiym, that it may be there for a witness against you.”    
3.  Rightly dividing point – Exodus 24:11 p 66
4.  Book of Law added after golden calf breech – Hebrews 7:11-12 p 817 “if therefore perfection were by the Lewitical priesthood – for under it the people received the Torah – what further need was there that another Kohen should arise after the order of Malki-Tzedek, and not be called after the order of Aharon?  12  For the priesthood being chassed there is made of necessity of a change of the Torah. 
5.  Book of Ezekiel isn’t millennial – but 13 date stamped scrolls
6.  Jeremiah 33:17 Lewitical conditional covenant – I Kings 9:5, Jer 22:30
7.  Melchizedek priests – cannot isolate Hebrews 8:4 and ignore previous chapters!
8.  Melchizedek believers are the true 3rd temple – (He has chosen His Temple Hebrews 9:10).
9.  You can’t add to an already blood-ratified covenant  - Ex 24:8; Galatians 3:15
10. Messiah’s blood enables us to be partakers of the Book of the Covenants – The Covenants of Promise!
11. Hebrews 7:1-22 p 817  Change of Torah  - Hebrews 7:12;18.

(end handout)

2 Timothy 1:10 p 906
“But now has been manifest by the appearing of our Savior Yahusha haMoshiach who has abolished death, and has revealed chayim (life) and immortality through the Besorah (Gospel). 

Matthew said:
“Abolished death” doesn’t mean you and I won’t die. The key to understanding the abolishment clause is its ADMINISTRATION, the ministration of death.

Ephesians 2:14-20 p 884

          15“Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in the Book of the Law; for to make in Himself the two one renewed man, so making shalom.”

According to Strongs...
“renewed” - kainos  =new, as respects form
           recently made, fresh, recent, unused, unworn
             as respects substance of a new kind, unprecedented, novel, uncommon, unheard of

This is NOT  RE -newed... it is -  NEW!!!!

2 Corinthians 3:7 p 866
             “But if the administration of death, written and engraved in stones, was full of so much tifereth (glory) that the b’nai Yisra’el (people of Yisra’el) could not behold the face of Moshe for the tifereth (glory) of his countenance; which tifereth was not lasting.

Katargeo = “not lasting” = “abolished”

             to render idle, unemployed, inactivate, inoperative
             to cause a person or thing to have no further efficiency
             to deprive of force, influence, power
             to cause to cease, put an end to, do away with, annul, abolish
             to cease, to pass away, be done away
             to be severed from, separated from, discharged from, loosed from                 any one
             to terminate all intercourse with one

What does ABOLISH mean ?
Remember we always let the Torah (whole book) define itself - using the law of first mention...

Ezra 6:8 p 6:11
“Moreover I make a decree what you shall do for the zechanim (elders) of Yahudim for the building of this Bayit (house) of Alohiym (YHUH/God):  that from the melech’s (king’s) good even from the tribute (“expenses”) beyond the river, that immediately all expenses be paid to thee men, that they be not “hindered” (ABOLISHED = Hebrew word bet -tov -lamed = BATEL).

Matthew said...
Darius makes a decree not to hinder/abolish the work of the men who are rebuilding the temple.

So the context of abolish is surrounding, not hindering the new building up of a temple that was previously destroyed.

The context of the “abolished” clause in the NT is the book of the law is NOT to hinder the building of the One New Man into the Commonwealth of Israel, as a Holy nation and a Kingdom of Priests.

The book of the law is no longer a hinderance to the building up of the new temple man that was previously destroyed.

Ezra 4:21 p 610
“Now make a decree to these men to cease (abolish - “batel”), so that this city not be rebuilt, until a commandment from me shall be given to do so.”

The context is the building up of a new temple and commandments being given and commandments ceasing.

Ezra 5:5 p 611
“But the eye of their Alohiym (God) was upon the zechanim (elders) of the Yahudim, so that they could not force them to cease, until the matter came to Daryawesh: and then they returned an answer by letter concerning this matter.”

The context is one cannot cause the building up of the new temple to cease because it’s by the hand of Yah.

Galatians 3:10-29 p 876

Galatians 3:12-13 p 876
“And the law is not made by emunah (faith): but, the man that does what is written in it shall live in them.
13  Moshiach (Messiah) has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangs on an eytz (tree).”

  Galatians 3:25 p 877
“But after the Netsarim emunah (faith)  has come we are no longer under schoolmasters (Book of Law).”

Strongs G3907
a tutor i.e. a guardian and guide of boys. Among the Greeks and the Romans the name was applied to trustworthy slaves who were charged with the duty of supervising the life and morals of boys belonging to the better class. The boys were not allowed so much as to step out of the house without them before arriving at the age of manhood.

Exodus 19:8  p 63
“And all the people answered together, and said, All that YHUH has spoken we will do.  And Moshe returned to words of the people to YHUH.”

This shows us the Book of the Covenant is of faith, “All that יהוה hath spoken we will do.” That’s of faith.

It was an agreed on Covenant.

Whereas the Book of the Law was not of faith it was: imposed on them until the time of reformation.

Hebrews 9:1-14 p 819

10 “Which stood only in food offerings and drink offerings, and different washings, and flesh-related regulations, IMPOSED on the Kohanim (priests) UNTIL the time of REFORMATION AND RESTORATION.”

What abolished DOES NOT mean:
Heb. mâchâh מחה, Gk: apollumi, destroyed.

Hebrews 9:16-17  p 819
“For whee a will is presented it shows the death of its maker.
17 for a will is in force only after men are dead.”

Matthew said:
A Will, a death is required in order to secure what יהוה promised to do.

If I made a Will in 2015 and then made a new Will in 2018 the Will is ‘new’ not ‘renewed’.

You can only have one Will in administration at a time.

You can’t have two different laws and blood covenants running simultaneously, anymore than you can have two Presidency’s under one Administration.

Hebrews 10:1-18 p 820

          9 “Then He said, Behold, I come to do Your will O YHUH.  He takes away the first sacrificial system,that He may establish the second.” (The Melchi-Zedek)

How can we read these Scriptures and not see the changes??!!


Darius made command, a decree concerning the administration of the building of a new temple.

OBSOLETE: Isn’t obsolete the same as destroyed? No, it’s akin to abolished in regard to administration again:

Romans 6:6  p 842
“Knowing this, that our old man has been impaled with Him, tha tht e body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin.”

“destroyed”  / done away with = katargeo in Greek, and betel in Hebrew -

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be ‘done away with’ /katargeo/beṭêl-בּטל,, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

The body still lives, yet it’s done away with;  how can that be so?

Once we become saved, our whole being (including our bodies) comes under a new administration.

The body of sin is done away with, yet a new ‘man’ stands in it’s place.

Once the New Covenant came into being (including our bodies being the temple) the law comes into a new administration.

The old body of the book of the law is done away with, yet a new body of law stands in it’s place.

We’re not lawless any more than we’re a disembodied spirit!

The consequences of sin are abolished, the body that housed it; returning us to the former estate.’

1 Corinthians 13:10  p 853
“According to the unmerited favor of YHUH:  which is given to me, as a wise maser builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it.”
          (“But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.”)

2 Corinthians 3:13 -14 p 866
          “and not as Moshe, who put a veil over his face that b’nai Yisra’el should not look on the tifereth (glory) that was not lasting.
14  “But thier minds were blinded: for until this day there remains the same veil not taken away in the reading of the Tanach;  which veil is removed by Moshiach.” 
          = a new administration!

Hebrews 8:13  p819
“In that He says, a NEW priesthood,  He has made the first old.  Now that which decays and becomes old is near disappearing.”

become obsolete/palaioō/ bâlâh-בּלה (Bet-Lamed-Heh)and is growing old is ready to vanish away.
The first priesthood under the book of the law is going to vanish (2000 years later it’s still not here) because a new administration of priesthood has been set in place. 

Context;  something that has waxen old in the case of a garment. Garments in the biblical culture would be used again to make something new, they would not be destroyed unless they came into contact with leprosy.

Matthew 9:16 No one puts a piece of new cloth onto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up takes from the garment, and the tear is made worse.

Matthew said:
New garments would have old cloth brought forward into them, not vice versa unless they tear.

The New Covenant, which is the Book of the Covenant given as torah based upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6) does incorporate all scripture that is woven into it, given by inspiration of Elohim, for its profitability, doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.

But that does not mean you’re wearing the old garment under it’s old administration with all the laws that applied to the previous administration.

For example:
The cloth from a woman’s dress could be legally used to make a mans garment and the administration of the law pertaining to cross-dressing would not be administered because a completely new garment for a man has been made!

Deuteronomy 22:5  p The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto יהוה thy elohim.
We must understand the new administration of the law does not mean a destroying of all threads of doctrine and instruction that have gone before.

Psalms 6:7 “Obsolete” is connected to our eyes, it means it’s time for new vision!

Leviticus 13:11 a leper would be made “obsolete” and “shut up” indoors until his time was up and then he would come forward under a new administration by command of the priest.
It didn’t mean the leper would be destroyed, he was not rendered null and void, done away with!

He just had to live under a new administration of law which the priest determined, that didn’t mean that everything in his previous life he had to forget and not apply.

James 2:10  p 811
 For whosoever shall keep the entire Torah, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Deuteronomy 27:26 p and Galatians 3:10 say that “cursed is everyone who does not continue to do EVERYTHING written in the Book of the Law?”

If you try to adhere to a Levitical administration then you’re required to follow everything written in the Book of the Law,

everything means everything, 

you can't call the grace card in your Torah observance for exemptions from observing/performing the parts of the Law that you find inconvenient or impractical today,

 but then not exempt yourself from observing/performing the more palatable parts of the Law.

Galatians 2:21 “ … for if righteousness comes by the law  (Book of the Law 3:10, Hebrews 7:11), then Moshiach died in vain.”
If a right administration comes by the book of the law under the Levitical priesthood then Yahusha died in vain.

And you have to do everything in the Book of the Law - animal blood sacrifice.... and how much sense does it make if we believe Yahusha’s death was the last sin sacrifice??!!

Choosing the Malki-Tzedik administration doesn’t equate to doing away with commands of יהוה it equates to rightly dividing the word of truth and the principle of Chabar:

The principle of châbar/חבר- (Heh-Bet-Resh) coupling-dove tailing – #2266 to join, to couple (together), have fellowship with.

2 Timothy 3:16 p 907
“All the Keetvay HaKodosh (all the Word) are given by the inspiration of YHUH, and are profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction as Torah in tzedakah:”

We have fellowship with the inspiration of Elohim, words profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness which are found in all scripture including the Book of the law;

yet we do not have fellowship with another priesthood and other sacrifices other than Yahusha’s.

If you are under the Book of the Law - then you’d be expected to kill animals.

Genesis 1:1 – Exodus 24:11 is the Book of the Covenant.

How foundational covenant commands are given more information and application in the Book of the Law

 and very much falls under a Malki-Tzedkik administration.

Most of these precepts are binding on us, for they are expositions of most of the commandments found in the Book of the Covenant.

10 principle applications of châbar/חבר- (Heh-Bet-Resh) coupling-dove tailing:

1          Sanctification/Holiness code:  Micvah and family purity: Exodus 19:14. More information is on the laws of Sanctification; Micvah and family purity are found in Leviticus 15, what is holy and profane.  and should be followed except for the Aaronic administration is non binding. Sanctification, what is holy and profane also incorporates sexuality:
                    BoC Genesis 2:24 dove tails with Leviticus 20.

2          Spoken statues and the relayed judgments pertaining to man and Elohim: Exodus 21-24:11 (restitution) expounded upon in greater detail throughout the BoL. Priestly administration and sacrifice is non binding but the interpersonal and divine commands remain.

3          Tattoos : Genesis 1:27 YHWH’s image, Exodus 20:25 no tool shall come upon the altar of un hewn stones – BOOK of Covenant.

                     1 Corinthians 6:19 know ye not that your body is the temple        of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are    not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God      in your body.
                    Expanded on in the BoL, Leviticus 19:28, two prohibitions           of an unnatural disfigurement of the body: ‘Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor any print any marks upon you.’

The latter (Heb. qa aqa, incision) refers to tattooing, and has no reference to idolatrous usages, but was intended to ingrain upon the Israelites a proper reverence for YHWH’s creation.”

    Tattoos were forbidden without any reference to pagan, heathen, or idolatrous usages.
In other words, the tattoo itself, regardless the reason, is still forbidden due to the violation of Genesis 1:27 confirmed by 1 Corinthians 6:19.

4          Defining Sin: Genesis 9,  Exodus 19-4. So called “Noahide laws” and Book of Covenant expanded into Leviticus and Deuteronomy Abortion-murder falls under BoC administration.

5          The need for a school master to understand the blessings and the cursing. Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Messiah, that we might be justified by faith.
I hope you can see the validity of using the Book of the Law appropriately within its right administration.

Divided correctly it brings us to Messiah…destroyed we’re left with no conviction,

undivided without a change in administration we become cursed living as if Messiah died in vain (Galatians 3:10, 2:21).

(End of Matthew’s first teaching )

The principle of châbar/חבר- dove tailing-#2266 to join, to couple (together), have fellowship with.
10 principle applications of châbar/חבר (continued...)
6.     Divorce: Mark 10:5 from the beginning (the Book of the Covenant) this wasn’t so,
It was given post Golden Calf breach; because of the hardness of your heart. Then Yahusha points us back to the Book of the Covenant perfection: therefore Elohim hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Short answer: No.
Long answer, if you choose to live outside the covenant with יהוה and live under the Book of the Law with its blessings and cursing's opting to be out of covenant with your spouse, giving yourself over to a hard heart - then Yes!
 In your hardness of heart you may think divorcing your spouse is a blessing, but you’ll find yourself cursed, Just ask your children.
7. The Sabbath: Genesis 2:3 Exodus 20:8 expanded on throughout the BoL
8. The Feasts: Exodus 23 the three Ascension Feasts - expanded at Leviticus 23
9. Diet: Genesis 1,6 & 9 - expanded at Leviticus 11.
Genesis 1:29 Yahweh told Adam and Eve at the beginning of creation, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat [food]."
Later, in the Book of the Covenant (BoC) part of Torah YHWH stipulates that the green plant is given for food (Genesis 9:3). Yahweh limited edible plants to those that are green and propagate by seeds.
Genesis 9:3 "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."
"Everything" is defined by the change from a plant-only diet to a new diet consisting of plants *and* animals -- that is, "everything." But that doesn't mean one could eat *every* animal anymore than one could eat *every* plant.
"....I have given every green herb for food, and it was so." Genesis 1:30
“Every green herb" above doesn't mean "every-single existing green herb." It means "every green herb that is appropriate for food.”
Genesis 6:21: "And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.'"
Noah is commanded to take all the edible foods into the ark. So then, not 'every green herb' was edible, only 'every green herb given for food' was edible.
The so called ‘Seven Noahide laws’ from Gen. are expanded in Exodus 19-24 and later expanded again and put under a Levitical administration including administrative sacrifices (non binding sacrifices).
1.        Do not worship idols or other gods.
2.        Do not blaspheme YHWH’s name.
3.        Do not murder.
4.        Do not commit sexual immorality.
5.        Do not steal.
6.        Do not eat things while they are still alive (i.e., meat with blood).
7.        Establish courts of justice (Exodus 21-24).
The apostles taught the additional Book of Covenant laws, believers in Yeshua should also keep the commandments of proper worship (the Feast of YHWH) going to the synagogue on Shabbat to listen to Moshe Rabainu (Shabbat keeping) prohibiting the ingesting blood, improperly slaughtered meat, things contaminated by contact with idolatry, and by adopting the Book of the Law’s definitions of sexual immorality and micvah (See Acts 15).
 “Now how do we live?” We learn to rightly divide the Torah under the Malki- tzedik ADMINISTRATION and apply the change of the law to in our lives.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth/torah.
Hebrews 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the torah.
Hot button commands from the Book of the Law:
Shaving of Beards is a command associated with the mourning of the pagans, accompanied by cutting the body, cutting the hair and cutting the beard. So we should’t not cut ourselves nor rip or ruin our hair out of our beard and our head with violence, that’s sun-god worship.
Tzitzit: Numbers 5:37 to remember all the commandments and seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye used to go a whoring.
Tzitzit were given post Golden Calf because the children of Israel needed a visible outward sign because they’d broken the covenant, some wouldn’t even keep Sabbath because the commands were not written on their heart.
In the post resurrection and New Covenant reality what is more effective; the administration of threads or the administration of commands on the heart?
Which one will produce the desired outcome of keeping the commandments of .more effectively is the point יהוה
Hebrews 8:10
 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts.
End Notes:
No covenants under the Levitical Priesthood are ratified by blood.
A 'covenant' is an agreement by 2 or more. – It requires, at a minimum of a
Proposal and an Acceptance.
You cannot impose an agreement.
 We didn’t exchange one taskmaster for another.
While you can impose law you cannot impose an agreement on which a covenant is based.
YHUH didn’t engage with the people with whom he was making this temporal law enactment directly.
YHUH set up a perimeter between him and the people in which only Levites could function.
Showing us the already in function Levitical Priesthood Numbers 3:12 at Exodus 34
 demonstrating that this bloodless ‘law action’ to be under the Levitical Priesthood Hebrews 7:11 and NOT a Melchizedek Priesthood 'covenant of promise' Ephesians 2:12.
It’s paramount we understand the distinction between the initial blood covenant with the first set of tablets and the second set of tablets that was NOT a blood covenant.
The distinction of blood and no blood
between them identifies that they cannot be one and the same.
Galatians identifies what law was added at Exodus 24:12 after the ratified Book of Covenant
Galatians doesn’t mention ‘the five books of Moses’ as the traditional anti nomina church would have you believe
 nor does it mention the ‘Oral law’ as messianic’s would have you believe
NOR does it mention a separate ‘Law of Moses’.
 It identifies by name the BoL in
Galatians 3:10.
3:17 of Galatians informs us that the law (now identified by 3:10) came 430 years later and was after the covenant (BoC) .
This identifies that the law that was added in Exodus 24:12 after the blood ratified covenant was confirmed was.......V.10 the Book of the Law!
The law added in Exodus 24:12 can only be the Book of the Law according to Rav Shaul’s communication to the Galatians and confirmed by Hebrews 7:11.
2 Corinthians 3:13 “ not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: :14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament.”
(A) The Jewish “vail” of confusion in reading the Old Testament is that Most Jews understand that the ‘Law of Moses’ preserved the lives of Israel for violation of the covenant.
Most Jews do NOT fully recognize that the ‘Law of Moses’ which is the BoL was
to remain IN ADMINISTRATION only UNTIL the death penalty position could be paid (the Genesis 49:10 ‘Until Shiloh comes’ clause) allowing all Israel access back to the covenants of promise; of which the Book of the law of Moses is NOT.
Most Jews do NOT understand that the blood covenant of Exodus 19 has been made NEW by Yahusha.
That’s why they fear setting aside any of the instructions in the law as they knew their lives were preserved by the Law of Moses or BoL.
(B) The Christian “vail” of confusion in reading the Old Testament is that most Christians know that the ‘Law of Moses’ was abolished when Yeshua established a new blood covenant.
Most Christians do NOT fully understand that the ‘Law of Moses’ was a distinct law enactment and not the whole of the Old Testament ‘law’.
Most Christians do NOT realize that the blood covenant that was made new by Yeshua has Torah/teachings and instructions attached to it.
Most Christians set aside TOO MUCH of the Instructions of covenant because of a misunderstanding of the law and grace.
The veil is there for BOTH Christian and Jew UNTIL, their hearts are turned to covenants of promise and follow the ‘teaching and instructions/torah of the יהוה covenants of promise.
Ephesians 2:14 Yeshua is our peace, He who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is the (Book of the) Law of commandments contained in ordinances (not covenant), so as to create in Himself ONE NEW MAN from the two thus making SHALOM.

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