Thursday, May 24, 2018

B're'shiyt/Genesis 1:26 + Renewing Your Mind

B’re’shiyt 1:26     - Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt Teaching
Renewing Your Mind

2 Timothy 1:7 - Harbour Light Ministries

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study guide p 63

B’re’shiyt 1:26
CD 13  27:22
Creation has been going on - and now we come to the climax of creation - the creation of “man”...

B’re’shiyt 1:26
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth.”

Vay-yo’mer Alohiym na’she ‘adam b’tsal’menu kid’meutenu.  V’yirdu vid’gat hay-yam uv’oph hash-shamayim uvab-b’hemah uv’kal ha’aretz uv’kal – harems  haromes ‘al – ha’ aretz, na’seh.

Word for word:

“And said  Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.  Let them rule over fish of seas and the birds of the heavens and over the cattle and over all the earth and over all creepers creeping on the earth.” 

At this point- spirit/soul - in image of YHUH = and no bodies yet the ones he created....

Na’seh (the last word) = let us make

-   the prefix “N” makes it plural
-   aseh = to make
-   make is in verse 26 and CREATE in verse 27

The  various theories of “Let us make”:

1.Trinity  - ECAD= a unity / a union of things makes a oneness (The only way to get “trinity” out of this is to insert it!
2.  The angels - Yah is referring to self and the angels.
3.          Plurality re. Majesty - the King speaking for the entire kingdom would say “we believe”...  like I say “we” in Life Fit.
     But we also know that he created “them” with him...
     = the majestic declaration of something that is going to  take place in the earth!
4.  Animals – blood
5. God and the angels

The ONLY thing created in the image of YHUH - not the ground.

B’tsal’menu   = tzad- lamed- mem =
                    Root = Tselem;  to shade, to cover, shadow
                    : image, form

-    Modern Hebrew word for photograph
-    After B’re’shiyt 9:6, every occurrence of this word is “idols”

Discuss B’re’shiyt 5:3

The only entity created in Alohiym’s image is Adam/ “MAN” / mankind.

  Hasatan will seek to destroy the image, since the image is to reflect and represent Alohiym,
IE - good things of Yah.... Father, mother, goodness, kindness, meekness, etc...
          ....Hasatan changes the image of things....twists what Yah intends to be awesome into a mess in our world.

Messiah had to come to earth in the image of man.... because man is the only thing that Yah made IN His image!

Only an obedient child can reflect and maintain the image of God/Alohiym. 

His image is blurred and perverted when His own children fail to imitate Him.

 Only you are the image of Alohiym.  Only those who obey Yah can reflect that image!

In Greek:
          -eidolon (GK) – idols
          Acts 7:11; Romans 2:22;  2 Corinthians 6:16
-    Eikon (Gk) Romans 1:23, 8:29;  I Corinthians 11:7;  2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15;  Hitgalut 13: 14-15
-    Tupos (Gk)  - Ma’sey hashSh’liyechiym 7:43-44; Titus 2:7; Ivrim 8:5;  I Kefa 5:3

Skip Moen =
          “Tselem = masculine noun (image)  = about transferred authority and order, over what destroys. 

 = desire (need) authority (control) and chaos. To be in YHUH’s image and likeness is to desire to control or have authority over chaos.
 – This reflects the Prime Directive to be fruitful and multiply. 
We are like YHUH in our derived authority because we are designed to bring life ordering actions in the house, but our authority is limited - (we are not YHUH).”

Kid’mutenu:   dalet – mem- tav
          root =d’mut-damah:  to be like, copy
           likeness, similitude, to be like
                    D’mut pictograph = path, chaos, nail, seal

-    B’reshiyt 5:3, Yesha’yahu  14:14, 40:18; Y’chezqel 1:13;
Daniy-y’el 3:25 (Chaldean) 10:6; shir-haShirim 2:9

Greek :
          -eidos (Gk) – Luke 3:22;  2 Corinthians 5:7
          -homolos (Gk) – Mattityahu 13:31; Acts 17:29;  I Yochanan 3:2

Skip Moen =
“Demut” = feminine noun (likeness) = often compares dis-similar things.  Focus is on the similarity in actions, not in essence.

Humans are not miniature gods… but they are capable of ACTING in ways similar to YHUH, when they walk according to the pathway that secures life.  With the prefix and suffix = “Follow the path that secures a covenant of guaranteed life over chaos.”

Let me remind you what we learned from Skip Moen:
“Being Human = acting according to YHUH’s path to life.  Standing against chaos.  Participating in a covenant guarantee.  Knowing what is permitted and what is not, AND acting accordingly.  Any behavior that denies, negates, or rejects these goals is not human behavior and creatures that exhibit non-human behavior are not creatures that exhibit YHUH’s image.  Human being is manifest by ACTING as YHUH would act, being the reflected image of the Alohiym who creates, sustains and brings about order.”
Daniel 3:25

Page 65 in study  guide

V’yir’du  = resh-dalet-hey

Root = radah: dominate, rule, reign, dominion.
-    To “rule” like over conquered enemy.  Not abusive rule, but rule that understands “It will turn against you if you do not rule over it.”
Let them, ie, male and female (MANKIND)

“God designed the “man” to consist of the male and female”.... the balance of 2 that makes echad - the perfect unity.

          Male and female are designed to rule together = echad

Male with female = usually quick and harsh/ not compassionate, they balance each other .
Woman tends to compassion.

After these verses, (“the fall”)  this word – RADAH – is never used of animal life again.

          B’midbar 24:19 = rule as in conquer
          Mizmor 110:2, 49:15  = “ruling over the enemy or it will turn against you”
          Y’chez’q’el (Ezekiel) 29:15  rule as if they were an enemy

To dominate or to rule - mashal:
In the New Testament –
no comparable word in Greek that distinguishes between “mashal” and “radah”  so in Greek it covers both meanings - ruling as a servant to serve = king/ dominating rule over conquered enemies.

          “Mashal” = to rule as a servant ; rule over a kingdom.

          Used as a servant / to serve the King,  and dominating rule over conquering .

          Archon” (GK) = over fish = believers being born of water and spirit.  = HEAD  OF
                              Mark 10:42
                              Matthew 9:18  “ruler”
                              John 3:1 “ruler”
          -There is a constant interchange of singular to plural in the creation text concerning man.
          - this could also be a reference to the plural use of “us”.

Vid’gat – resh gimel hay
  Dagah – “to quickly multiply” , or grow.
-    Swarmers swarming  - reference to teaming/ “kazillion”.
           = Fish – Yah’s desire is believers quickly multiply.  Noah’s flood = no mention of the fish.  (Brad thinks all the fish died.)

-    Dagah – also relates to “corn” – dagon = fish god of
-    Baptism and the water/ fish and water/ believers and water
-    B’re’shiyt 48:16 – “let them grow”
-    Habakkuk 1:14; Y’chezq’el 47:9-12

-    (Gk) icthus – Mattityahu 47:9-12, 13:47-51

-    Fish saved to swallon Yonah

-    Fish represents believers, picture of them being spared

-   2Kefa 3:5-13 - fish being spared...
-   Why were fish spared in the flood? Or were they?  (Brad thinks they died)

In the future - knowing that all fish / believers will be spared...  all scholars believe that Yah’s people are spared ... wether you believe in rapture or not....
those who believe in Yah will be spared - Yah deliberately leaves out the death of the fish...

So “image” - Tselem (masculine) and D’mut (feminine ) are given authority - to be a human being - to walk in Yah’s instructions and Do YHUH’s things...  / behaviors....  and to NOT do this is not to be human.

AND we as people are given authority and instruction in how to do this...

Authority over chaos.... 

Many times in life i have looked at this idea of having authority and it was like... if anyone some where needed any kind of deliverance I could speak to those things....
But what if this is about authority over the things that are chaos in my life know, the lies that I believe, and the unforgiveness that I hang on to...

see, I can say - wow... it feels pretty forsaken here... but what if when I stand before YHUH I wonder why things were so hard....  what if He looks and me and says... my child, you had the authority all along to rid your life of the painful chaos....  and you didn’t... why didn’t you follow my instructions?  I told you how to be free. 

So we have authority over chaos.... hmmmm

The way we think....

Yesterday I went to a CE training - about “Trauma Informed Care”...

My eyes were opened more....

Recently I read “The Leipzig Connection  about the changing of education in America....

About how it was decided that during or right after World War One - the education in America would be dumbed down... on a continual and ongoing basis!

I sat there yesterday and listened to the trauma that kids deal with.  Not to minimize this awful stuff - because you know I am all about recognizing the painful stuff.... and yes it is awful and yes children need help with this - just as those who grew up with it and are now adults....

But that said....  what I heard was :
                  -how awful - absolutely true.  no argument there
                  and how bad it is and stats...
                  But they just read over a list of what to do instead.... to “help” except for explaining three things a bit more...
1.                  being in the moment...
2.                 guided imagery

both of which I am okay with to a point...
YHUH gave us imagination

and there I sat - in the moment, listening to the teaching...knitting to my heart’s content - focusing on my knitting stitches and what they were saying...not worrying about tomorrow stuff or mulling over past stuff...just right there happy to be knitting and listening...

and let me also say that I have encouraged my high jumpers to “see” themselves doing their approach before they do it... etc....  that is how we are made that our bodies can’t tell if we imagine doing it right or practice is perfectly - they help the same....

BUT both of these things are also doorways - that some have used to let hasatan in...  through guided imagery that is about me leaving my body and other things (that are things that are messed up)....and about me picturing things like me leaving my body etc....
what I am saying is - they can be used for evil.... and if I am the student being taught they are ALL good - then I am going to leave the door open for anything.

they also talked mostly about ‘time out”

Children need time out.
My sister will tell you that kids in her day=treatment class - work like this... if one kid is going off - you want that kid out of the class ASAP because there is a great likelihood that he will trigger everyone else in the class.... 
so give them a time out to help  them calm down so they don’t get in more trouble and so they don’t trigger everyone else.

But I wrote on the evaluation - These are the people that are going to need being in my know.. because they are 20 and have a job and the employer won’t allow time outs....    etc.....

Time outs fix it for the teacher and maybe for the kid in the moment... but not for the child long term. 
That child is not going to be better off in their 20’s because they sat in time out......

3 types of trauma
a.    things absent that were needed
b.   things added that were NOT needed
c.   rumination on a negative thought

C.  causes the same bio chemical - physiological changes etc... as A. and B...... the same... and if C. can be healed based on changing your thinking....  THEN why can’t A and B injury be healed the same way?
I think it can.... but that is not just sitting in time out.
It can’t be about time out and reward....

What is more... the clinical world is way okay with the need to forgive... so throw in  we can forgive....  and teach that to students.... the door is wide open for healing!

and these things can help the - then 20 year old KEEP his job!

Romans 12:2 p 848
“And be not conformed to this olam hazeh:  but be transformed by
the ongoing renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is that tov, acceptable, and even the perfect, will of YHUH.”
Let’s consider how we think... Okay well that sounds easy enough...
but then let’s look at Shaul and what he says...

Romans 7:19-24 p 843
Ephesians 4:22-32 p 886

So what he should do - he doesn’t always do....  he knows what he should do....!

So the brain... or mind....

confused (Deuteronomy 28:20) p 158

anxious, closed (Job 17:3–4) p 574

evil, restless (Ecclesiastes 2:21–23) p 596

rash, deluded (Leviticus 5:4 p 83;

a troubled mind (2 Kings 6:11)  p 277

a depraved/ corrupted mind (1 Timothy 6:5) p 905

a sinful mind - Romans 8:7 p 843
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against YHUH; for it is not subject  to the Torah of YHUH, neither indeed can be.”

a dull mind - 2 Corinthians 3:14 p 866
“But their minds were blinded: for until this yom there remains the same vail  not taken away in the reading of the Tanakh; which veil is removed by Moshiach.”

a blinded mind (2 Corinthians 4:4) p 867

a corrupt mind (2 Timothy 3:8) p 907
“Now as Yannes and Yambres opposed Moshe, so do these also resist the emet: people of corrupt minds, far from the emunah.”

So How do we live?

Philippians 4:6-8 p 891
6”Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks let your requests be made known to YHUH.
7 And the shalom  of YHUH, which passes all binah (understanding,) shall keep your hearts and minds through Moshiach Yahusha.
8 Finally, Yisra’elite brothers, whatever things are emet, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of tov report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any tehilla, think on these things.”

2 Timothy 1:7 p 906
“For YHUH has not given us the Ruach of fear; but of power, and of ahava, and of a sound mind.”

Jeremiah 33:3 p 337
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.”

Proverbs 13:12 p 556
“Hope deferred makes the lev sick: but when the desire comes, it is an eytz chaym.”

Proverbs 28:26 p 564
“He that trusts in his own lev is a fool: but whoever walks with chochmah, he shall be delivered.”

Proverbs 4:20-23 p 551

Deut 30:19-20 p 162
“I call the shamayim and earth to record this yom against you, that I have set before you chayim and death, blessing and cursing:  therefore choose chayim, that both you and your zera may live:
20 That you may love YHUH your God, and that you may obey his voice, and that you may cleave to Him for He is your life and the length of your days;  that you may dwell in the land which YHUH swore to your fathers, to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Yaakov, to give them.

2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 p 870
“For though we are walking in the world/flesh, we do not war according to the world/flesh:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through  our God to the pulling down of strongholds;
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high human matter that exalts itself against the da’at of  YHUH, taking captive every thought to be obedient to Moshiach;”

Philippians 4:8 p 891
“Finally, Yisra’elite brothers, whatever things are emet, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of tov report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any tehilla (praise), think o thee things.”

Proverbs 23:7 p 561
“For as he thinks in his lev, so is he...”

Mark 4:30-34 p 710
mustard seed....

So what if we teach the children these things.... ???!!

Psalm 147:11 p 548
“YHUH  takes pleasure in those that fear Him, in those that have tikvah (hope)  in His rachamim (mercy).”  :) 

Sh’ma Yisra’el!

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