Monday, January 7, 2019

Melchizedek Update

.Torah Parashah - Miketz  B’re’shiyt 41:1-44:17
Melchizedek Update
            Based on Matthew Nolan’s teaching of Melchizedek.

Overview of the Melchizedek Priesthood of the Messiah - Harbour Light Ministries

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Melchizedek means = my king is righteous or Righteous King

Let’s start with the Christian name for Messiah: Jesus Christ. Some people actually think that Christ is His last name. Christ means, “any anointed one.” The letter J wasn’t invented until 1530, so His name could not have been Jesus.

Jesus Christ cannot be his name. Add this to the consideration of the 3rd Commandment in Shemot (Exodus) 20:7 “You shall not bring the Name of YHUH your Alohim to vain emptiness …” This might be a problem!

D’barim (Deut) 29:29 p 161
“The secret things belong to YHUH our Alohim: but those things that are revealed to us and to our children le-olam-va-ed, that we may do all the words  of this Torah.”

Mishle (Prov) 25:2 p 562
“It is the tifereth of Alohim to conceal a matter:  but the honor of melechim is to search out a matter.”

Matthew Nolan said – (Paraphrased)
YHUH hides mysteries because people don’t deserve them unless they search out and do the work!

So here is the picture:

In the middle is THE Narrow Road
On the one side is Rabbinic Law
On the other side is a lawless ditch…

Where are we walking?

In Luke 24: 13-34 p 752 The road to Amma-Us story…. 
Two of them went to Amma-Us… talking about all that had just happened… and Yahusha shows up only they don’t know it is Him… and they give Yahusha the briefing…
“The Messiah is DEAD… they stole his body…”

            -It seems like they were abandoning their faith is Messiah.

What are we supposed to do to be saved?

We’ve heard it is the “sinner’s prayer”… is that right?
(Yes I know Romans 10:9 – “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Master Yahusha, and shall believe in your lev that YHUH has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.”)

And what are we supposed to do when life is hard?

Mattityahu 6:33 p 682
“So you seek first the malchut (Kingdom)  of YHUH, and His tzedakah (righteousness):  and all these things shall be added to you.”

The KEY is the Righteous Kingdom = Malchut tzedakah.

Romiyah (Romans) 10:2 p 846
“for I bear them record that they have a zeal for YHUH, but not according to da’at (knowledge).”

Matthew makes the point here that this scripture is talking about a zeal not according to knowledge… they were ignorant of righteous Melchizedek calling of the priesthood…
            They established their own plan in the culture… the religious culture taking pseudo priests and combining it with the popular culture… and you get a “culture club.”

This is part of why we are to “Guard our hearts.”

But we are supposed to FIRST seek the Malchut tzedakah – Kingdom of Righteousness.

Romiyah 10:4 p 846
“For Moshiach is the actual goal of the Torah for an eternal Tzadik standing to everyone that believes.”
-Messiah is the goal of Torah and eternal righteousness for all who follow/be committed to.

If we read Ivrim (Hebrews) 6-7… we start to understand this even better!

So why is it that it is so easy to accept the offer on the table that is not YHUH’s?
Why is it we have all just followed what Matthew calls “the veneer” and not the tzedakah?  
He goes on to say that “Tzadok is a  contrite Hebrew word that is attached to real people.”
But why do people accept the offer from hasatan and not the Malchut Tzedakah?

“If you track malchut Tzadik back … you will get to YHUH.
If you track “Christ” back … you will get to one of the Greek gods.
If you track “J” back – you get to an invention in 1530.”

But the Christians say – “we are under grace.”

Well the Torah does say that “Noah found grace in YHUH’s sight.” (B’re’shiyt 6:8) So the question becomes, do we understand what grace means?

Grace is the Hebrew word chen or chesed.

Matthew said…
The word grace actually appears 3 times more in the Tanakh than in the Brit Chadasha, it didn’t start at Pentecost.

Grace is not a license to sin and not obey the law.

Grace actually means = an empowerment to live holy and righteous in a sick and twisted world!

Matthew said, “The Christian church is not under YHUH’s grace.  They are under His mercy – the withholding of righteous judgment…If they were under grace – they’d be keeping the law!”

Ivrim (Heb) 10:26 p 820
“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the da’at of the emet, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.”

Ivrim 5:13 p 816
“For everyone that uses milk is unskilled in the Word of tzedakah: for he is a baby.”
Where did Melchizedek come from? 
Where do we see Yahusha walking in this?

B’re’shiyt 14:18 p 17
“And Malki-Tzedek melech of Salem brought out lechem and wine:  and he was the kohen of Al-Alyon.”

Tehillim (Psalms) 110 p 536

Ivrim (Heb) 5,6,7 p 815

That’s it.. right?  Wrong…
But that is where it is written out…

In about 2008 I was awakened with a strong voice that said…
“You are climbing the mountain of Melchizedek.”

And I had no idea what He meant!  I started to study…
And I have a much better idea now than I did when that happened!
Praise Yah!

So let’s consider
B’re’shiyt 14 p 17
There was a war of kings… we know now it was a war against giants.

And in the end… Abram takes bread and wine from the Melchizedek and he gives a tithe – a 1/10th….

What was going on here?

One of the kings is Chedarloamer – and he was actually a descendant of Shem.
So Abram had just slaughtered a descendent of Shem.
Gen 10:22 – Chedarloamer was son of Eylam
Gen 10:22 Eylam was a descendant of Shem.

And Abram was a descendant of Shem through Arphaxad.

So this was a family feud… and to bring shalom the Melchizedek came to negotiate a peace treaty!

(This is exactly what Messiah comes to do…He will come to bring peace to a family feud …after a great war between kingdoms and nations. And be king of the Tribes and the nations. The Prince of Peace!)

This is what the war was about…
Listen closely…

Tehillim 2:1-4 p 497
            The word “bands” = “break the traditions of the fathers – the Melchizedek…. 

“Bands” = mosar in Hebrew = “to break the traditions of the Melchizedek” in context.
= “that which has been intertwined and passed down in a line / a sequence or an ordering through the generations.”

This is what the war with the giants was about in Genesis 14! 

It was a war against the priesthood!

Today there is still a war against the Melchizedek Priesthood!

Some people want to live pagan and lawless.
And some people want Levitical law/customs.

Right after Abram gave his tithe offering… and made shalom – he was given a promise of KINGSHIP (children) and LAND in Genesis 15!!

Let’s consider
Tehillim 110 p 536
King James – which is from the Masoretic text (remember the mazorites don’t like Yahusha!)  says: - YHUH at right hand.

But  Septuagint says  - YHUH at your right hand.

Who sits on the right hand of YHUH? Yahusha.

So is Yahusha, YHUH?
“YHUH is Alohim and he tore out his bosom and his bosom became flesh and walked among men and somehow that became a trinity!”

D’barim 6:4 (Sh’ma)
            “YHUH is echad/one – a plural one…

The Greeks believed in trinity and this term morphed into Christianity.
… “and this is how they assimilate all their Greek gods into plural monotheism = the faith that was delivered to the kodoshim.”

The war between Yitzchak and Ishmael is because Ishmael didn’t receive Melchizedek.

Who is the Melchizedek line?

Genesis 5 p 12
1 Adam
2 Shem
3 Enosh
4 Kenan
5 Mahalal
6 Yared
7 Methushelach 
Not (Enoch) Chanoch – because he was taken up
Not Lamech – he died before Methuselach
8 Noah
9 Shem
10 Eber
11 Yitzchak
12 Yakob
13  maybe ? 

LEVI – Book of Law

Later – King Solomon declared himself a righteous king… because he wanted to return to the Melchizedek. 
His father, King David, had already seen the need for the tzadokites  - the sons of Tzadok …

Hebrews tells us we can be righteous priests through Yahusha with prayers of supplication and crying tears to learn… 

Who were the Essenes?
We used to understand that they were the ones who lived in Kumron.

Now Matthew is teaching something new..

The believers in Kumron – were not Essenes… they were tzadokites!

Tzadokites in Kumron

            We know the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Kumron in 1947
By a Bedowin heardsman.

In manuscript 11 Q 13 it is all about the coming of Melchizedek!

Matthew taught
“To the Kumron sect of Tzadokites  - the Melchizedek was the ever present hope and their immanent reality.”

Melchizedek is our immanent reality!

Tzadokites believed that Melchizedek and Moshiach were interconnected. 

Except – The Melchizedek would appear and he would be an exalted divine being….
… So much so that in modern manuscripts where we find YHUH – in the Dead Sea Scrolls – we find Melchizedek.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 61:2 is an example.

The Mazorite scribes hid this!

But from the reign of King David,  the Tzadokites appear as priests!

-Priests with a  problem – they had no righteous covenant to attach their righteous priesthood to.

Tzadokites were in the temple leading the priesthood until Antiochus came in with the Maccabees and the Hasmonean dynasty.

At that point – the Tzadokites were thrown out of the Temple.
They took nothing with them but the Holy Torah Scrolls.

… which is why so many were found in Kumron!

These people were he zealots – and they knew the instructions!

They were in Kumron waiting for the Melchizedek to redeem them and they understood the Melchizedek!
-        It was YHUH who sat at the right hand of YHUH!

Later, King Josiah removed all traces of anything non-Levitical from the Temple.

The Tzadokites in Kumron at the time of Yahusha belived: the Malki-Tzedek – the anointed one connected to Messiah was expecting to come to deliver a divine communication and then He’d have to die/be cut off – as it is written in Daniel 9:26.

Then there is the Copper Scroll found in 1952 – in Cave 3 in Kumron.

John Allegro – oversaw the cutting of this into 23 strips from 1955- 1956… and he translated them!

He discovered the Tzadokites were the very matrix of Christianity.

He suggested – there were so many correspondences between scroll texts and the Brit Chadasha and words, values, phrases, beliefs and practices… even a messianic leadership – a teacher of Righteousness who’d be persecuted , possibly crucified and then resurrected!

Allegro discovered this –
Imagine what Israel would do with this!
Well, they did it – it was squashed (destroyed?)
Because – this copper scroll was a game changer!

This group in Kumron that served YHUH were the tzadokites…

They were thrown out of the temple at the time of the Hazmonian dynasty and their texts bare up that they believed YHUH sat on the right hand of YHUH.

They believed that he was the Melchizedek  - the righteous preacher, who would come  in a line of successors that would have to come, die, possibly through crucifixion, and then deliver a message of righteousness and then bring in a priesthood!

This is why they were always having ritual immersion.   – in preparation for war about to happen.

They would from time to time go up to Jerusalem as Zealots, go up to Jerusalem in the raids of Zealotry among Romans and many of them were in the Flock of Yahusha….

Yochanan (John) the Immerser (Baptist)  - Because in Yahusha’s missing yeas – He was down in Kumron being taught. 

Yochanan was in charge of the mikvah pools down in Kumron and he used the Jordan as well. 

Mattityahu 1-2 establishes that Yahusha is a King.

But we need to understand that

The mantle of priesthood is always handed down through ritual immersion/ mikvah/baptism.

Plus we need to know that the Jordan River is a geographic point of change.

What does it say in Mattityahu 3:13 – “to fulfill all righteousness.”
Malchizedek gets passed on through mikvah/baptism.

Uayiqra (Lev) 5:1 p 83 – The trespass oath

Mattityahu 26:63 p 703

He had to say…
And when he did Kaiphus tore his robes… and disqualified himself from the priest hood and he would have to die.

Yochanan 19:23 p 774

Who was the only priest left to officiate over the Pesach offering??

Luke 7:28 p 733  Is about the transference of priesthood
“For I say to you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater navi than Yochanan ha Matbeel:  but he that is lease in the malchut of YHUH is greater than him.

The least of the Melchizedek are greater than the prophet from Levi!

Narrow road in the middle
Those who are into Rabbinical law – Book of Law that passed away on one side
And those who choose to be pagan and lawless.

The word says Avraham was perfect in YHUH’s site and yet he knew nothing of Leviticus sacrificial law!

Yakob the Tzadok (James the righteous one)  - wrote about returning to “LAW” meaning the book of Covenant.. 

Salvation comes through those with a brit malah heart (circumcised heart) and circumstances of heart … my blood covered  with YHUH’s blood

Praise be YHUH….
Where will we walk?  The narrow road between the Rabbinical law and the ditch of pagan lawlessness…

The Righteous King – Melchizedek leads us!

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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