20 June 2015
~ 3 Tammuz 5775
Torah Parashah - Korach - B’Midbar (Numbers)
16:1-18:32 RSTNE p 120
44 B’re’shiyt 1:20 - Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt
study P 52 in study guide
Skip Moen’s “Guardian Angel” book #4
Before I start I want to mention some things
about what is going on in USA ...
-- We know that late June or early July - it is expected that the US Supreme Court
will pass the law making gay marriage legal in all 50 states.
I think we need to see this for what it
Not so much about allowing homosexuals to
... but about a
calling out of those who will not agree with this abomination.
This is a way to “find” those who are not
You need to see this for what it is.
Our world is changing very very much.
We also need to be aware -
15- Sept 15 - “A realistic military training exercise” known as “Jade Helm”
will be conducted by the US Army. More
than 1,000 members of the US military will take part in this. The list of states to be involved include
Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, Mississippi,
and Florida.
We also need to be aware that this Sept 13 is
Elul 29... on the Hebrew Calendar.... the last day of what many say is the
Shemitah year.
Many are concerned about this date because we
have seen giant stock market crashes on the last day of the previous 2 Shemitah
cycles, in 2001 and again in 2008.
On September 15th - the 70th session of the
UN General Assembly begins. It is being
reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which would give formal UN
Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state. Up until now the USA has been blocking
this... but now the President is indicating that things may be different now.
Sept 25-27 - The United Nations is going to
begin a brand new “sustainable development agenda for the entire planet”. It includes provisions regarding economics,
agriculture, education and gender equality.
Sept 25 the Pope is going to be in New York to give a major speech kicking off
the UN conference where this agenda will be unveiled.
Sept 28 = first day
of Sukkot -- AND is the date of the last
of the 4 blood moons in this series.
And there are strange
things going on - besides all the movement of military and military
There are “fears of a
natural disaster” that could interrupt operations of the New York Fed Bank -
and they are working hard to build up a satellite office in Chicago.
NORAD is moving back into the base deep inside
Cheyenne Mountain after years of being out.
“The threat of an electromagnetic pulse” was the reason given for this.
Things may be
changing greatly...
Keep your focus on
44th B’re’shiyt study by Brad Scott...
Study guide p 52
We are at B’re’shiyt 1:20
The reappearance of
the act of creation.
-Creation - verse 1
-The fall
-Earth a mess -
restoration of creation where the Spirit of Yah moves over the face of the waters.
- verse 2
(Which is the same thing that happens
to man - man is regenerated by the Holy Spirit.)
-Light produced - and
earth comes up out of the waters.
-Fruit on the third
-Fourth day - stars
and sun and moon to be a witness of YHWH’s glory - and tell the signs and
Now on the 5th day...
we are going to have life - the first appearance of the word life - even though
plant life has already been restored.
= animal life.
B’re’shiyt 1:20
Elohiym yishe’re’tzu ham-mayim
sheretz nephesh chay-yah. Ve’oph
oe’opheph ‘al-ha’aretz ‘al-pe’ney
re’qiy’a hash-shamayim.”
“And said Elohiym let swarm the waters
with swarmers soul living. And birds let
fly around above the earth on the face in the firmament of the heavens.”
“And Elohiym said, Let the mayim bring
out abundadantly the moving creatures that have chayim, and fowl that may fly
above the aearth in the openfirmament of the shamayim.”
Vay-yo’mer = “and said”
Elohiym = “the Great One”
Yishe’re’tzu = Shin-Resh-Tzad
= “to bring forth in great
numbers; teaming,
-Translanted as swarm, or
creeping things under the water. move
in great numbers; bring forth, to creep.
Refers to all the life that
is under the waters.
B’re’shiyt 8:17 - “breed
abundantly” = Hebrew she’re’tzu;
Sh’mot (Exodus) 1:7 - “increased abundandtly”;
Yechezeq’el (Ezekiel)
47:9 - “everythign that moveth/ liveth”
Greek - Eksago = Yochanan
10:3 “leadeth them out” = she’re’tzu... refering to the multitudes that will
come out... like fish of sea. Disciples
are supposed to fish for the fish that are scattered among the nations... You and are are compared to the multitudes of
3 words associated with those who come
out of Ephraim in B’re’shiyt 48 -
3 x the word mulitutde is used in the
48:16 “these boys”
“teeming multitudes”
48:19 “many nations” =
3rd time - says they will
grow into a multitude... the word is Dagah
= Hebrew word for fish.
The symbol of faith in Y’shua was
always the fish in the beginning. It
wasn’t until about the 4th century that we got a cross.
“sharatz” = root.... speaks of
all the life under the waters - the clean
and the unclean.
- We see that expressed in the other
Greek word translated from sharatz
= “erpeton” in Greek.
Ma’sey hashShe’liyechiym
(Acts) 10:12 -“creeping things”; Romans
1:23 - “creeping” or “teaming swarms”
Ya’qov 3:7
Acts 21:30 “was moved” = sharatz = the idea of life coming forth....
Next word:
ham-mayayim = the waters
Sheretz = with
swarmers - swarmers swarming... with
swarmers soul living.
King James -
“creatures that have life”
“have life” - comes
from 2 Hebrew words = nephesh chay-yah = living soul, or soul living
“soul” is not
limited to human beings...
There is going
to be plant life, animal life, and human beings.
= 3 distinct and
seperate entities
Nephesh= root =
naphash = Nun-Peh-Shin
= to be refreshed, soul,
creature, life, lust, selves, person,
---We are going to
start learning about the interchanging use in the Torah (whole book) of “soul,
life, heart, and mind”.
B/c YHWH is trying to show us that
even though we are “spirit -soul- and body” from YHWH’s point of view, we are
one person.
*** Hebrew doesn’t divide the person but sees the
person as a WHOLE BEING.
Nephesh / soul as it relates primairly
to the animals... b/c we will talk later on about people in detail.
= Sh’mot 31:17 “refreshed” -
expresses movement and action - things
going on...
Vayiq’ra 24:1; 11:10;
Mishlei 12:10 - “life”
B’re’shiyt 2:19, 9:4 -
B’mid’bar 9:6-7
Plants (first
dimension) - have life... plant
life. Plants are in ground in order to
sustain our life.
Animals (second dimension)
- have a nephesh
and life. - They can reproduce after themselves and do
things the plans can not.
Mankind (third dimension - height, width, and depth) - YHWH
breathed His Spirit into man.
YHWH lives in a
multidimensional existance...
Yah does this same
sort of pattern on life on earth...
Torah Parashah
(Numbers) 16:1-18:32
= “Korach”
RSTNE p 120
read on your own.
Note - YHWH just spoke about being kadosh /
holy in the end of the last parashah... and now... persons want to be in charge and they rebel.
earth opens up and swallows them and their families and their things!
staff - bloomed and had ripe almonds on it!
(Levites) responsible and in charge of the Bayit haMcdash.
/ YHWH’s house)
Guardian Angel - 4
Lets start by looking at our
handout... (review)
Last week we were looking at B’re’shiyt
and the 2 double words ... which we miss in English
eat” - “eat eat” = achol tochel
die” - “die die” = mot tomut
This is about being - fully satisfied - achol tochel - that only
got translated as “freely eat”....
and about being
EMPTY - total lack = mot tomut.
YHWH is saying “It is “feast or famine”... and it
is your choice Adam.”
Adam’s choice is between YHWH’s design for DELIGHT
- under all the trees of Gan Eden but one,
and Adam’s own decision to make his own garden in total insufficiency -
under the one tree.
And since then... we have man’s choice = “the etz
of the da’at of tov and ra.” = the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
and this is how man has worked it ever
Not YHWH’s way - the etz chayim / tree of
life... where YHWH decides what is good.....
man keeps choosing the etz of the da’at of tov and ra ...
- Which is total lack.
** ~~ **~~**
~~** ~~** ~**~*~*~*~
So now - new stuff :)...
We know - the only prohibition (forbidden thing) -
that YHWH gave Adam was...
Not eating of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil.
What comes right after this instruction?
= The only thing that
YHWH said was NOT GOOD....
B’re’shiyt 2:18
YHWH Elohiym said, It is not tov that the man should be alone; I will make for
him a helper as his counterpart.”
= So the next thing after
the tree instructions is YHWH
recognizing the need for a “Helper” for Adam.
He says -
“It is not good for man to be alone.”
“Helper” = “ezer” in Hebrew Interlinear
the next word is kenegdo.
Kenegdo has been translated “for him” and in the
RSTNE it is translated “as his counterpart”
But -The Hebrew Interlinear says...
kenegdo = “as in front of him”
B’re’shiyt 2:18
should more correctly read:
YHWH Elohiym said, It is not tov that the man should be alone; I will make for him an helper as in front of
(No wonder we don’t read that in English! -it’s a
bit too close to the truth for most translators i guess!)
Moen makes a point to say;
“The entire story of the first sin
focuses on the role of the ezer kenegdo and the tree.”
He then goes on to explain that -
-we cannot
“ignore the obvious conclusion that the purpose of the ezer kenegdo is somehow
connected to the command for Adam to obey.”
It’s interesting...
Moen points out that the “Prime Directive” -
B’re’shiyt 1:28 - “Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over....”
... is given to BOTH male and female. - They
equally received it
Yet the command to not eat from ONE tree was given
only to Adam.
= B’re’shiyt 2:16.
in mind this story is not written in sequential order.)
Moens says...
“It is not Adam’s productive energy that needs
assistance. It is his faithfulness to
YHWH’s instruction. He needs a
protector, encourager, and spiritual
director. He needs someone assigned to
keep him on the straight and narrow. He
needs one who comes alongside for the express purpose of guiding his
This is Chava’s (Eve’s) role!
She is not the domestic assistant!
Moen says...
“Unless we recognize this aspect of the
description about the Tree, we will not acknowledge that her
role is the role of priest and spiritual guide for Adam!”
Chava is designed to “make sure Adam stays faithful
to YHWH!”
“She is the one who stands between YHWH’s command
and Adam’s obedience, watching over hims so that he will not go astray.”
“Adam guards the garden. Chava guards Adam.”
“The help she brings is the help of reminding,
rescuing and demonstrating trust. In
this role, she parallels YHWH’s ultimate relationship with Isra’el. YHWH is the protector, provider and deliverer
of Isra’el in the fallen world, ---but
those are roles YHWH takes upon Himself AFTER THE FALL.”
“In order to understand the role of the ezer
kenegdo, we must look at YHWH’s relationship with human beings BEFORE THE
Moen says...
he had a reader argue B’re’shiyt 3:16 “...and your desire shall be to
your husband, and he shall rule over you.”
What if ... ???
- and i believe this...
“The purpose of a cohen (priest) AFTER THE FALL does not remove the need for a
cohen (of a different kind) BEFORE THE FALL.”
In B’re’shiyt 3:16 - “desire” is translated from
Moen says this word has been terribly mistranslated.
This - “B’re’shiyt 3:16 is actually a descriptive
statement, not a prescriptive statement about YHWH’s decision to mandate
consequences for sin....
In other words...
3:16 describes
what inevitably follows from a BROKEN DESIGN, a relationship turned
B’re’shiyt 4 will explain this more...
But right now we need to know that some will say
that “EZER” is never used of a “priest”
BUT - In Nechemyah (Nehemiah) 12:42 it
is the name of a priest.
(Moen points out that YHWH calls himself the
perfect priest.)
So now let’s get to the story of the woman...
The Word says - YHWH saw it was not good for Adam
to be alone.
Interesting that YHWH points this out - Adam
It is also interesting that YHWH only comments
negatively about creation with Adam being alone...
It is also interesting that in B’re’shiyt 2:18...
it really doesn’t just say tov there - it says
lo-tov... in the Hebrew and not al tov.
both LO and AL mean NOT.
“LO is the negative used in the 10 Living Words
LO means - not - as in “never the case”
as opposed to AL which means “not the case right
- So
this means that it is LO TOV - never the case of good - for Adam to be alone.
Still in B’re’shiyt
2:18 - “ALONE” = “LEVADO” with a root = “VAD”
I am going to over simplify some more complex
linguistics here...
VAD has 2 meanings
-when Min is attached so it is MINVADO = “apart
from or beside”
-when LE is attached it is LEVADO - the word we
have here in the text
(2:18) and
this means “alone or by itself”
So the short story is... the full sense of the
Hebrew here is =
“The full sense of what it means to be human will not be revealed until ‘man’
is manifested as both male and female.”
Moen says...
“The male, the one who remembers, still requires
another, a boundary-setter in order to properly bring about the order-making
activity of YHWH’s image. To know WHAT
to do, is not enough. Man must also know
HOW to do what he is supposed to do. And
know WHERE to do it.”
You might think - “This is a no brainer - of
course Adam needs a female so they can ‘be fruitful and multiply’....”
but so far - all that Adam has gotten came from
and of course YHWH can make another just like he
made Adam.
It can’t be just about sex... because YHWH could
just make another like HE made Adam.
Remember i have said Greek thinking and Hebrew
thinking are very different.
Greeks come to class and get out their paper and
pen and say “tell me what you want me to learn”
Hebrews come to class and say ...”what are we
going to DO today to learn?”
Moen says
“In Hebrew, nouns are more or less symbolic
representations of inherent actions.”.
.. it
is about DOING not BEING... it is about ACTIONS not THINGS.
For example....
When Hebrew text describes YHWH as a “shield” ...
“it does not mean that YHWH has some
characteristics associated with a shield.”
“Hebrew uses the noun “shield” as a symbolic
YHWH is not LIKE
a shield, He IS a shield... He
does what a shield does!
So Moen says - when we read that Adam is alone -
- we
need to think deeper than the words on the page....
yes, the fact is
- he is alone - he is by himself... yet he is not alone...
“Being alone is symbolic representation of
“Something about the way Adam is supposed to be
manifested requires more than his individual existence.”
“Man if manifested in community... we exist
Let’s go back to the words or title ‘ezer
- Keep
in mind saying ‘YHWH is a shield’ doesn’t mean he like the shield but that he
DOES shielding....
..... So..
‘ezer kenegdo’ is not simply a description.
“The Hebrew language doesn’t function with
descriptive adjectives the way that Indo-European languages do.
Hebrew vies reality in terms of actions or
....So... ezer
kenegdo is a manifestation of a purpose.
“The woman isn’t described by the terms ‘ezer
“She IS
the purpose inherent within ‘ezer kenegdo’!!!”
And we will have to learn more about that purpose
next Shabbat.
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