Tuesday, July 28, 2015

45th B're'shiyt Teaching - Torah Portion Chukat - 5th Guardian Angel Teaching - June 27

27 June 2015  ~  10 Tammuz 5775 
Torah Parashah Chukat ~
B’Midbar 19:1-22:1 RSTNE p 122
45th  -Brad Scott’s - B’re’shiyt 1:20 -
5th Guardian Angel - understanding the roles of men and women based on Hebrew.

Hebrew based understanding of the roles of men and women. - Harbour Light Ministries

Torah Parashah Chukat ~
B’Midbar 19:1-22:1 RSTNE p 122

- Red Heifer sacrifice - (We have done many teachings about this being the prophecy of Messiah!) :)
- Clean and unclean rules
-   Water from the rock
-   Death of Aharon
-   Isra’el destroyed the Kanaanites
-   Isra’el became negative and spoke against Moshe - YHWH sent "fiery serpents" -  and many died.
-   Isra’el repented and Moshe put serpent on pole and those who looked at it were healed.
** The word “serpent” here  in 21:8  is supplied/ added. It was the Hebrew word - seraph = YHWH’s fiery attendant of His alter.  Shin -resh - pey.  Moshe lifted up a seraph of brass which goes back to the first mention in Sh’mot (Exodus) 4:3  - same word that is translated as “bronze” - also in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 6:2.

-   Isra’el asked to pass through Sichon the melech (king) of the Amorites .... but he said they could not...  so Isra’el destroyed them and took all the cities


Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt teaching - our # 45 :)

Page 52 in Study Guide

B’re’shiyt 1:20
          “Vay-yo’mer Elohiym  yishe’re’tzu ham-mayim sheretz  nephesh chay-yah.  Ve’oph  oe’opheph  ‘al-ha’aretz  ‘al-pe’ney  re’qiy’a  hash-shamayim.”
          “And said Elohiym let swarm the waters with swarmers soul living.  And birds let fly around above the earth on the face in the firmament of the heavens.”

          “And Elohiym said, Let the mayim bring out abundantly the moving creatures that have chayim, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of the shamayim.”


Vay-yo’mer = “and said”

Elohiym = “the Great One”

Yishe’re’tzu = Shin-Resh-Tzad
                   = “to bring forth in great numbers; teaming, swarm
          Root = “sharatz” - speaks of all the life under the waters - the clean and the unclean.
                   = with swarmers  - swarmers swarming... with swarmers soul                  living. 
Nephesh = to be refreshed, soul, creature, life, lust, selves,              person, heart
3 Dimensions - example :

          1. Plants  (first dimension)  - have life... plant life.  Plants are in ground in order to sustain our life.

          2. Animals (second dimension)  - have a nephesh and life.  - They can reproduce after themselves and do things the plans can not.

3.                        Mankind (third dimension - height, width, and depth) - YHWH breathed His Spirit into man.

End of Review:

p 53 in study guide...

chay-yah= living
          root = chet- yod- hey
                   =to live, active, vital: life, beast, raw, congregation, running,           moving and reproducing

B’re’shiyt 1:25; 2:9
Miz’mor 68:11;
Vay-yiq’ra 13:10; 14:5

Brad writes:
“Elohiym is commanding to bring forth in great numbers, active and vital creatures.”

ve’oph  = ayin-peh
             = ‘oph:  to be lifted up:  flying, fly fowl, bird

ve’opheph : flying around (birds)
-                        literally - flying souls flying around 

Again - a doublet  a double word in Hebrew... of flying things flying around...    

          zepor is the hebrew word for BIRD...
 but ve’oph  is not ...

It is really speaking of everything that lifts up off of the earth and flies around....

Brad says...

P’tanon in Greek which is translated as birds and fowl and flying around.
the root meanings of that word all incompas that idea of fowl and flying around.

But in Hebrew there are 2 different words... a distinction between something that just flies and something that is technically a bird, and really is only translated as this in the bible...  Sometimes it will mean a bird and sometimes it will mean a flying around thing that is not a bird...

Brad says...
“All materials necessary for animal life:  water, air, light, plants, and even chemical materials in the earth are put into place before soulish life.  It is very clear that Elohiym did not make single-celled creatures first, but creatures already swarming and flying and distinct from one another.”  :)

Brad goes on to say....   back to chayah....
chay-yah= living
          root = chet- yod- hey
                   =to live, active, vital: life, beast, raw, congregation, running,           moving and reproducing
Chay-yah often translated as = life = actively moving and reproducing after itself....
The Word says..like kind producing like kind.  - “and this continues life.”

“However if you step out of that and combine things together than shouldn’t be - then you are going to start the process of DEATH.”

“and that is why YHWH said don’t eat from the tree of the da’at of tov and ra - because that starts the process of death -
          - b/c life is found in things reproducing after themselves...”

In Modern Hebrew - “the soul” - which is part of your life.. the moving, the refreshed... in Modern Hebrew - a fan is called a nephah - the breathy thing the fan does.

B’re’shiyt 1:25 - the life of the man
                   2:9 - tree of Chay-yah =  etz chay-yah - a REAL TREE...

Remember YHWH started with the things in the natural to teach us the spiritual. 

“Man’s life is sustained by the etz chay-yah... the tree of life ....  by things that come off of that tree... things that come out of the ground sustains man - who came out of the ground... that is why we should focus on putting into our bodies - things that come out of the ground - not synthetic things that are produced in a labratory”

“Evolution teaches that man came through chemical ways  - so if we came from chemicals - then it is only natural that if we came from chemicals -

-- then we should treat our maladys / diseases - with chemicals!”

 ... THAT is the problem!!

YHWH already has given us things from the ground to cause us to live abundantly

chay-yah - also obeys the the pattern of like kind producing after like kind...
so physical life produces physical life

Brad goes on and says....
“Eternal life with YHWH can only come from YHWH... 

Brad says...
“Now that the seed of the etz chay-yah has been removed from man and therefore he is only living by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
and therefore man doesn’t the life of YHWH in him so he can’t produce the life of YHWH (eternal life).
So this means... man must be given salvation/ eternal life -  as a gift from YHWH.”

“Eternal life has to come from Yah.”

Yochanan (John) 17:3  RSTNE p 772
          “And this is eternal chayim, that they  might know You, the only emet Eloah and Y’shua ha Moshiach, whom You have sent.”

Life only comes in physical from a seed having to meet with an egg

-and they become one and then you have the ability to reproduce life...

This is done in various ways in plants and animals and humans

but the point is.... YHWH uses the concept of seed to describe this.

so... the spermata of man combined with the egg of the woman - when they come together the best they can produce is:  what is in the egg and what is in the sperm...

However the seed that YHWH is talking about is the WORD of YHWH

-      and that only comes from Him and that is Spirit. 
Remember Yochanan says... “MY words are Spirit and my Word is life”

Yochanan (John) 6:63 RSTNE p 761
          “It is the Ruach that makes alife: the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak to you, they are Ruach, and they are chayim.”

From the Greek :
Zoea - both come from Chay-yah

In the Greek - there are other words that repreent life = bios..

So back to B’re’shiyt 1:20....

so Yah is commanding to bring forth in great numbers - active and vital creatures in the ocean/seas.

Rememmber that those creatures, later are going to represent you and I symbollically as fish in the sea...

(B’re’shiyt 48 - “fish” - “fishers of men”)
Let’s look at B’re’shiyt 48 about the fish.... because we need to be sure we have this...

Let’s turn to B’re’shiyt 48: 16 RSTNE p 46
          “The Malach (angel) who redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name - Yisra’el be named on them, and the name of my ahvot Avraham and Yitzchak; and let them grow into a multitude like fish - vai-dag-oo lerov in the midst of the earth.”

bless the lads = refers to teeming fish

a multitude like fish - vai-dag-oo lerov = again - teeming fish

B’re’shiyt 48: 19
          “And his abba refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it:  he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great:  but truly his younger brother shall be greater than him and his zera shall become the fullness of the gentile nations - melo ha-goyim.”

a multitude like fish - vai-dag-oo lerov = this is about the teeming fish.

This word is used again ONLY in Romans 11:25.

Romans 11:25 RSTNE p 847
          “ For I would not Yisra’elite brothers, that you should be ignorant of this mysterious secret, let you should be wise in your own pride and conceit; that partial blindness has happened to Yisra’el until the fullness of the nations - the melo hagoyim - comes in.”

No wonder Y’shua said something i never understood...

Mattityahu (Matthew) 4:19 RSTNE p 679
          “And He (Y’shua) said to them, Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
He was referring to Torah of B’re’shiyt 48!

B’re’shiyt 1:20 is about the birds of the air and the fish of the sea...

Next time we will be ready for B’re’shiyt 1:21
study guide page 54
-      we even get to “sea monsters”...

*** **  **  **
Let’s go to

“Guardian Angel”  by Skip Moen #5 teaching
Understanding the role of male and female according to HEBREW.

Let’s review just a bit:
B’re’shiyt 2:16-17
          We learned about “freely eat” or better translated “eat - eat” 
In Hebrew = “achol tochel” which is really “achol achol” - which is DELIGHT with NO lack - compelte and utter satisfaction.

          We also learned about “surely die” or better translated “die-die”
In Hebrew = “mot tomut” - which is compete insufficiency and lack.  Empty.

Then we learned in B’re’shiyt 2:18 - Helper  = Ezer Kinegdo
“Ezer” = “helper”
“kinegdo” = “as in front of him”
“It is not Adam’s productive energy that needs assistance.  It is his faithfulness to YHWH’s instruction.  He needs a protector, encourager,  and spiritual director.  He needs someone assigned to keep him on the straight and narrow.  He needs one who comes alongside for the express purpose of guiding his obedience.”
Her role is the role of priest and spiritual guide for Adam!”


So today we are starting with what Moen calls:

“The parade” - B’re’shiyt 2:19-20

YHWH makes the animals and “parades” them to Adam where he names them.

What if the parade was an “educational lesson”

YHWH understood that it was not good for man to be alone - but man didn’t know it. 

Adam had to discover for himself that he had no ezer kenegdo.

We know animals were used and still are used to “help” man... albeit less and less) but this is not what is missing...

Moen says that
“Adam didn’t lack conversational companionship, psychological interaction or purpose...”

Let’s ask some questions...

“What was it that Adam had to discover that could not be provided among the animals and could not be found in a relationship with YHWH?”

“Why was it necessary for Adam to discover this fact on his own?”

“Why didn’t YHWH just build Chavah (Eve) and present her as His gift?”

**These are difficult and dangerous questions (Moen says).

Difficult because they force us to reconsider the FAMILIAR story. 
We might actually have to READ what it says.

Dangers because they call into question many of our preconceived notions about the story of Gan Eden.

Adam needs to figure out on his own that there is no creature UNDER his authority that is suitable for him. 

When YHWH assigned Adam the job of naming the animals... HE was showing Adam that he was in charge of those things.  - They were all UNDER his authority.

Adam names them all and in the process - discovers there is nothing like him - UNDER him.

So through the “Parade”, if you will, Adam learns there is nothing like him - under him.

B’re’shiyt 2:21-23
          Adam’s ezer is not found in the “parade”...  She actually comes FROM him. 
          If she comes from Him, she can not be UNDER him.

She is exacty equal to him - that is why Adam says... 

B’re’shiyt 2:23  “And Ahdahm said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:  she shall be called ISHA (woman) because she was taken out of ISH (man).” (woman and man = Hebrew interlinear English translation.)

There is no sign of hierarchy here.

Moen says - we need to remember this when we read Shaul’s letters. 

Shaul was perhaps the greatest Hebrew scholar - and when he talks about the “head” - the Greek - “kephale” it must be consistanat with Torah’s description of this relationship!

“Since these words in Torah are the basis of Shaul’s argument we must know precisely what the Torah says. 

The text tells us Chavvah is NOT built UNDER Adam’s authority.  Even Adam acknowledges her equality folling their sin. 

She is taken FROM HIM to emphasize the fact that her very substance is EQUAL with him.”


Moen says it is very important - to understand that the differece between animals and human beings.

Evolution will say - we are just a higher evolved animal!....

But the WORD says - YHWH made Adam from the ground - not from animals.

AND then YHWH gives man His (YHWH’s) own breath/ RUACH / SPIRIT.

So this means - that “man” is the only part of creation with “a built in bond between heaven and earth”. 
- The only part of creation “connected” with YHWH.... through is Ruach!

Moen is referring back to what we talked about earlier as “being human”.

“To be human is to recognize, nourish and exhibit this dual relationship.”

Remember, he said earlier - that if we are not DOING YHWH’s instructions - we are not human....
... NOw he is saying “to be human is to recognize, nourish and exhibit this dual relationship.”

Moen makes another point about Chavvah’s origin from Adam - as this “sets the stage for the biblical view of human sexuality.” 

YHWH created animals - and it is ovbious that they were created with gender...
But yet, YHWH SAYS that he created male and female “man” with gender....


Moes asks..
“Why not just say, like the animals, that man was created after his kind.” 

The Bible specifies gender of MAN for 2 reasons:
1.   Sex is sacred

          It is not like the reproductive instinct of animals - it has a spiritual component to it, that moves it beyond just reproduction.

          There is something special - it is a gift from YHWH.

Cultural circumstance provide another reason that the Word emphasizes the gender creation of human beings.

{Interesting that i am teaching this the day after the Law of the Land for all 50 of these United States - was just changed to now “marriage” is legal betwen gay and lesbian couples.
You know what bothers me the most of all this... Marraige was created by YHWH.  They should call it something else - b/c HE designed marriage...and that is between one man and one woman.... and HE makes it very clear that anything else is an abomination to Him. So to me - they can make it legal in the land -albeit an abomination - but they should call it something else!!!! - calling it something else doesn’t make it less than an abomination - it is just the principle of the whole mess.}
In the beginning of Yisra’el  -when B’re’shity was written - most religious explanations of the beginning of the world suggested that the creation of the world was the result of the sexual activity of the “gods”.

Let me interrupt this with - Who /what do we know about the gods?
=They are demons that fell from heaven... they are not just some made up stories.

The idea that sexual relations of man came from the gods... implies that human sexual activity is an imitation of “divine sexual activity”.

“The fertility cults that surrounded Isra’el practiced ritual sexual activity as part of worship of these divine sexual beings.”

The Word/ Torah “absolutely rejects any such explanation.”

“Sex is created.  It is not a reflection of the gender of YHWH.  He is beyond ‘gender’ and ‘sex’.

Sex “does NOT reflect divine identiy but it does reflect order and harmony.”

“The sexual practices of the fertility cults were idolatrous because they mimicked the supposed sexual actions of the gods in order to control divine favor. 

The Elohiym of the Hebrews set human sexuality apart from any such attempts to control anything in creation. 

Sex is not about control it is about chay-yah (life).”

***  ***  ***  ***

As i said before - we MUST know what the Word says - because if you don’t know what YHWH says  - if you don’t know what you believe - the world is more than happy to tell you what you “should” believe!!

Things are changing...
I read an article yesterday that says retailers are not being allowed to sell the confederate flag.  They are doing something - like not selling video games that have the confederate flag...  They are talking about banning/ burning books and movies with it in... 

Yoel 2 and Yeshayahu 42 talk about darkness coming ...
and Tehillim 18:28 says  “For You will light my candle:  YHWH my Elohiym will enlighten my darkness.”

Over and over evil is seen in the Torah as darkness and YHWH is LIGHT.

YHWH said...
 Yeshayahu 61:1 RSTNE p 343
          “The Ruach of the Master YHWH is upon Me; because YHWH has anointed Me to preach the Besorah to the meek; He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaimliberty to the exiles, recovery of sight to the blind and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”

So no matter how ugly the world gets... we will stand on the Rock that is Y’shua haMoshiach and carry His light and serve and worship Him and Him only. 

We are going to keep our minds focused on HIM and NOT on the negative MESS around us. 
And we are going to remind ourselves constantly - that we serve the only LIVING Elohiym... the Elohiym of our avhot (fathers) - The Elohiym of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov.... and we know who is in control and who is in charge and who is on the thrown.

Remember... He called us to be fishers of the teeming masses of Yisra’el, and so i invite you to not just be doing it now but to be studying the Torah (whole book) so we can continue to fish!! 

Baruch HaShem YHWH!!!

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