Friday, March 17, 2017

10 Authenticating Truths of the Melchizedek Besorah

11 March 2017
Torah Parashah ~ Tetzaveh - Sh’mot (Exodus) 27:20-30:10 
B’re’shiyt 1:4 - Brad Scott
Galutya #5 - Matthew Nolan

10 Truths about the Melchizedek Priesthood - Harbour Light Ministries

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Pesach is coming up April 2.

Please get yourself ready.
And a reminder that you are going to need to clean your house... physically and get the chemetz out and spiritually - YOU!

Study Guide Page 19

B’re’shiyt 1:4 
“Vay-yar’ Alohiym ‘et-ha’or  kiy-tov  vay-yav’del Alohiym beyn ha’or  uveyn  hachoshek.”

“And saw  the light, that it was good: and divided God between the light from and between the darkness.”


Comes from the root ra’ah = resh - aleph - chet
        Ra’ah = to behold, see, to understand, perceive

= “We perceive and understand our world through trust in His way, not what we see around us.”

-       used to express idea of someone using their eyes to see something….
..... but more importantly it refers to...... to understand something!

“seen” = something being taught = perceiving something, understanding something

B’re’shiyt 42:21
Psalm 8:3 “when I consider”
Psalm 52:6 “The tzadikim also shall see and fear and shall laugh at him.”
Mark 8:17-18 …  not seeing and hearing in person… but “getting it”

Alohiym = God

ET ha’or = when God perceives and understands the light…

        = “the light, the Aleph-Tov”

ET = defines the direct object, - the Besorah / Messiah
.... and we have a sigaul vowel and we have a m’keph  - and a hyphen or dash.. which is using the ET to point to the object of what he saw = LIGHT.

Kiy-tov  = He saw that it was good.

the gematria of “the light” === is equal to “ b’torah” or “in the Torah!”

Both “The light” and “B’Torah” = 613  

Kiy-tov =
        Tov =  “that which is good”, “well”,  “a pleasing benefit to man”

“In The Torah “ = the numerical value of “The light”

Prov 6:23 “for the commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light”

        Kiy-Tov = and it was good.

Kiy = kof-yod = conjunction tied to tov

= YHWH saw the light and understood.

This is the first use of the light being “good.”

- First use of the word Tov in Scriptures


Tov = means “good”, and “well”, and “pleasing”

Study guide on p 20:
Examples of how Tov is used:

List of things YHWH declares to be TOV / good
-to praise YHWH
-to give thanks 
-His mercy
-for brothers to dwell in unity
-His Spirit
-to sing praises
-to walk in the way
-wisdom and understanding
-to do justly
-faithful servant

Tov :
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:20-24 p
good = tov
evil = ra

Remember all negative words go back to roots of = to crush and break into pieces - something scattered, dysfunctional.

and all words referring to TOV =  something being good... all share the etymological background of TOV = to complete and useful; dysfunctional!

Esther 10:3=  “welfare” = tov
Job 36:11 = “prosperity” = tov

--Good / tov also refers to ways of God, and EAST.
 There is a direct association between obeying God and things of the East and doing good. :)

Tov = used 201 times in Brit Chadashah
of those 201, - 116 = directly tied to your works… good works.
Wow!  That’s interesting!!

 page 22 in study guide…

vayyav’del “put a difference” between holy and unholy clean and unclean...

Vayikra /Lev 20:25 p 97
“You shall therefore make a difference between clean living creatures and unclean living, and between unclean fowls and clean;  and you shall not make your beings abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living that that creeps on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.”

YHUH is going to illustrate what man needs to put a difference to in his life -

-  Yah shows us in creation... day / night

Vayikra /Lev 10:10 p 87
“And that you may put a difference between that which is kadosh and defiled, and between unclean and clean.”

 “put a difference” = vayyav’del between holy and unholy clean and unclean...

One of the main problems in our culture = we don’t have a difference between holy and profane...

Brad says :
“When men decide  a difference  - little by little we stop putting a difference...  Not over night but little by little.

B’midbar /Num 8:14 p113
“So shall you separate the Lewiym from among the children of shall be Mine."
“Separate” the Levites from among the children of Isra’el...
even a separation in the camp of YHUH...
= to put a difference in way Levite called and non Levite

Nechemyah /Nehemiah 9:1-3 p 621
         “separate” = vayyav’del

Yechezkel /Ezek 22:26 p 410

“putting a difference” is about  - between righteous and unrighteous, holy and profane.

Only measuring tool we have to distinguish between righteous and unrighteous is TORAH!

Yechezkel/Ezek 42:20 p 429

Yeshayahu (Is) 59:2 p 341
“But your iniquities have brought separation between you and your Alohiym and your sins have hid His face fro you, that he will not hear.”

-Each day we see this division
        ..... or this putting the difference between the two

- in the light and the dark and in the cycles.. Yah gives us this...
in the process he shows us how something goes from what is righteous and holy to being unrighteous and that is - just a little bit at a time...

That is why every day we just don’t see the day and immediately it is night... it FADES... it is a slow process.

Its a slow process to come to the Light too!

Greek word for vayyav’del = aphorizo =
Mattityahu 25:32 p701 -  used in separating sheep and goats

Matt 13:49 p689  -separating wicked and righteous

Predominately this word is used to separate good and bad, holy and unholy, righteous and unrighteous

2 Corin 6:14-17  p 868

        - We are told that we are to be separate - not equally yoked but a distinction .. doesn't mean we don’t go and associate with them... Yah has given us his Torah to make us a peculiar people unto YHWH

Sh’mot/Ex 19:6 and  1 Peter 2:9-10
        = we are to be different.. in how we behave and sometimes in how we dress....

- doesn’t mean we have nothing to do with them - we are to be a light... but there is to be a distinction
if there is no difference - it is time to seek the Torah!!

another word in Greek = diastole = “light has come unto both Jew and Gentile”

Beyn = between ... and God divided between - something lies between these 2 not just that they are separated...but something between....

bet, Yod, nun
from biyn = between and understanding and discernment, to consider
etymologically - to get at the very heart, the core of something...

Sh’mot 26:33 “ divide between”/ discern... 
Heb 4:12 - “discern” = tells the difference
Is 59:2 -
Is 43:10
Dan 12:10; 9:23
Prov 2:5,9
Psalm 119, 27, 34,73

-mostly it is discerning

Yah has caused the light to shine out of the darkness and it is going to put a difference between the light from/between the darkness choshek - dimness, obscurity, darkness and confusion

 So Yah is now taking this light and dividing between these two entities... 

I hope you can see that we are talking about a light that is Torah and a darkness that exists between a withdrawing of that light.. 

ha’or = the light

uveyn = from (and between)

choshek - dimness, obscurity, darkness and confusion
 So Yah is now taking this light and dividing between these two entities... 

I hope you can see that we are talking about a light that is Torah and a darkness that exists between a withdrawing of that light.
Remember -  we don’t have a ball of fire in the sky yet.. no sun or moon etc...

- We do have a light - the same light we have at the end of the Torah...

and Yah is making a distinction between light and dark -and it is the light that makes the distinction...

So he is going to call the light - day and the darkness night
= same words he is going to use with the sun etc...

This is critical - starting now... started the first day - we have 24 hour periods marked out through Yah and then - later - expressed as the ball of fire in the sky/sun. 

Remember - this is that the light we have here is the same light that is the light at the end.. the Word of YHWH expressed....and it is lighting up the earth just as well - not just symbolism...

the natural light of the sun etc is going to be patterned after this light.. continue to divide


Galutyah #5...

There are 10 Authenticating Truths of the True Melchizedek  Besorah / Gospel :

1.   The Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law are not synonymous.  
        D’barim 31:26 p 163 “Take this scroll of the Torah (Book of Law), and put it at the side of Ark of the Testimony of YHUH your Alohiym, that it may be there for a witness against you.”

1.   There has been a change of Law.  
Ivrim (Hebrews) 7:12 p 817
“For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity an change of the Torah(BoL).”

Ivrim 7:18 p 817
“For there is truly a setting-aside of the former command (BoL), because of its weakness and unprofitableness.”

B’re’shiyt (Genesis) 49:10 p47
“The rod shall not depart from Yahudah nor a lawgiver from between His feet, until to whom it belongs comes; to the obedient people.”  {Please note that this is a better translation than what is the the RSTNE Scriptures!}
        (= The leadership departs from Yahudah when obedient people show up at moeds etc... people who believe in Yahusha and keep His BOC Torah)

3.The rightly dividing point of the law is Sh’mot 24:11.  We keep the Covenant Torah from B’re’shiyt 1:1 - Sh’mot 24:11, not the maintaining -the added Book of the Law that is against us.   We must rightly divide Torah, dove tailing into the rest of the Word.  Yah breathed for teaching and correction. 2 Tim 2:15 p 906 “Study to show yourself approved before YHUH, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of emet.” (2 Tim. 3:6)

1.   The book of the law was added after the Golden Calf Breech.  A false gospel propagates that only the Levitical priesthood was added after the Golden calf breech. 
        BUT Hebrews 7:11  p 817 - exposes this as “another gospel”.  -
 “If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - for under it the people received the Torah (Law) (Book of LAW) what further need was there than another kohen should arise after the order of MalkiTzedek, and not be called after the order of Aharon?”  

        What law did people receive under the levitical priesthood?  It can’t be the Torah -Book of the Covenant....because they received that in Ex 19- Ex 24, before the invention of the Levitical priesthood. 
This leaves the only thing they received under the levitical priesthood = the Book of the Law.

5.The book of Yechezkel (Ezekiel) is NOT millennial, but a collection of thirteen  date -stamped scrolls.
I think we talked about this before.  Mathew Nolan does a great job in his teaching about Yechezkel (Ezekiel):

        Book 1 = 8:1-19:14
        Book 2 =20:1-23:49
        Book 3 = 24:1-25:17
        Book 4 = 29:1-16
        Book 5 = 26:1-28:26
        Book 6 = 30:20-26
        Book 7 = 31:1-18
        Book 8 = 32:17-33:20
        Book 9 = 32:1-32:16
        Book 10 = 33:21-39:29
        Book 11 = 40:1-48:35
        Book 12 = 29:17 -30:19
        Book 13 = 1:2-7:27

1.   Yirmeyahu (Jer) 33:17 p 377 
“For this says YHUH; Dawid shall never lack an heir to sit upon the kesay (throne) of Beit Yisra’el.”
--- Speaks to the kingship and Levitical conditional covenant/promise, outlined in I Kings 9:5 p 257 “Then I will establish the kesay of your malchut over Yisra’el le-olam-va-ed, as I promised to Dawid your abba, saying, ‘There shall not cease for you a man to sit upon the kesay of Yisra’el.’”


Yirmeyahu (Jer) 22:30  p 365
“This says YHUH, Write this man as childless as a strong man that shall not prosper in his days:  moreover no man of his zera shall prosper le-olam-va-ed, sitting upon the kesay of Dawid, and ruling any more in Yahudah.”

which Yisra’el broke = a conditional covenant  - because there is not an everlasting Levitical priesthood and there has not been an everlasting king sitting on the throne in Jerusalem for the past 2000 years. 

People like to divorce this :
                (Yirmeyahu (Jer) 33:17 p 377 
        “For this says YHUH; Dawid shall never lack an heir to sit upon the kesay (throne) of Beit Yisra’el.” )

-   from I Kings 9:5 and Yirmeyahu 22:30

-   = the context of a conditional covenant which was broken!

7. There is an order of Melchizedek  priests here on earth.  The Master’s prayer shows us this...”Let your kingdom come on earth as it is heaven.”

People try to isolate Ivrim 8:4 as a prof text  divorced from the 7 preceding chapters in Ivrim - This  is disingenuous, but that is what people do.

        Ivrim 8:4 p 818
        “For if He were on earth, He would not be a kohen OF LEVI, seeing that there are Kohanim that offer gifts according to the Torah.”

People read that and “forget what the 7 preceding chapters in Ivrim said!

1.   The Melchizedek priesthood of believers are the true templeThe temple that The Temple Institute has planned will in fact be, not the true temple, but the abomination that Yah has told us about in His scripture, to be avoiding. Because He has already chosen His temple. He has already chosen His Melchizedek priests.

        Ivrim 9:10-11 p 819
                “Which stood only in food offerings and drink offerings, and different washings, and flesh-related regulations, imposed on the Kohanim until the time of the reformation and restoration. 11 But Moshiach has now become a Kohen HaGadol of tov things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tent of Meeting,  not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation:”

        Kepha Aleph (1 Peter 2:5) p 824
                “You also, as lively stones, are built up as a spiritual bayit, a kadosh priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to YHUH by Yahusha ha Moshiach.”

1.  You can not add to an already blood ratified covenant. 

Sh’mot 24:8 p 66“And Moshe took the dahm (blood), and sprinkled it on the people, and said, See the dahm of the brit, that YHUH has made with you  concerning all these words.”
                                        = Blood ratified!!


Galutyah (Galatians)  3:15 p 876
“Yisra’elite brothers I speak after the manner of men: Even if a brit is a man’s brit, yet still if it is confirmed, no man sets it aside, or adds to it.”
 (~~ disregard the foot notes of 13- 14! )

If the book of the covenant was blood ratified that means that you can not add anything to it. 

So that when the law is mentioned... “come up here and receive this law also” - Sh’mot 24:12...

-   Can that be part of the already blood ratified Covenant?  Absolutely not.  Absolutely not.  It can not be - it is ANOTHER LAW...  you have to deal with that.

-   People that oppose the True gospel will skim over these things.

-   Christian commentaries don’t address the Book of the Law.

-     You have to UNDERSTAND what IS the Book of the Law.

1.     The context the context the context of Galatians is the dichotomy between the book of the law that we are freed from, and the new covenant given as torah - the Book of the Covenant - which Messiah’s blood has enabled us to be partakers of  - the Covenant of Promise! Which we were strangers cut off from.  That faith that we are now part of (Ephesians 2).

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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