Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Galatians 4 - Book of the Law vs Book of the Covenant

4 March 2017
Torah Parashah - Terumah - Sh’mot (Exodus)  25:1-27:19 p 67
B’re’shiyt 1:3 - Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt study
Galutyah teaching - Matthew Nolan

What Covenant do you keep? - Harbour Light Ministries

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Page 18 in study guide

B’re’shiyt 1:3

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

“Vay-yo’mer alohiym, y’hiy ‘or  vay’hiy  ‘or.


We begin the 6 days of the making and shaping…
This is NOT creation. 

That was already done... and that is the word BARA.   We only see the word Bara again when it is talking about the nephesh - the souls/spirits in the people / animals.

So get the picture here...
“darkness is on deep”  - there is tohu vavohu - everything was created is now astonishingly confused and it is chaos and LOUD.

In all this mess -YHUH is going to restore what hasatan attempted to destroy.

The Ruach haKodesh of YHUH moves on waters - begins regeneration that only YHUH can do… 

AND.... in 1:3
Now we have  light coming forth

Vayyo’mer Elohiym, y’hiy ‘or vay’hiy  ‘or
and said God let there be light; and there was light

Vayy’omer  = “and said God” = the action

aleph mem resh

root = ‘amar: and said, spoke, think, command, promise

Okay - a bit of Hebrew grammar - do not panic -
the first part of the word is a conjunction “and”

the yod expresses the col imperfect
an “and”…  is the “Wa consecutive”
… what that means is = once an “and” takes place… the first “and” - if it is the perfect tense... that means it is a completed act ...

.. and all the “ands” after become imperfect tense.
called the WA consecutive… what that simply means is that all these things that are happening now… and.....

Okay so the main point is....

“and” “He moved on  the face of the waters”
“AND” “Yah said let there be… “

“and and and”  ===  these are not completed acts - they are still occurring!

YHUH is STILL moving over the face of the waters!!

 He is still letting His light shine forth etc…

We see that in vayy’omer

We already said the root is
‘amar - aleph mem resh

=common hebrew word to express words as they come off our lips === speech!
          - it literally means “to collectively organize speech”

this is translated  as “speak” a lot…

but it is different than the word d’var  - the Hebrew word for word as d’var focuses on thought, intent and motivation - the source - or someone who plans = d’var

but the actual administration of the words as they come off the lips = ‘amar = the actual speaking of the word translated as = “to think”, “to speak”,  “to command” and a few translated as “promise”

So -this is Yah speaking something that is not a completed act - still occurring as we speak..

The other thing we need to know is.... based on the Hebrew words...

at this point (B’re’shiyt 1:3) - Light has already existed - no creation…
and Yah said - let there be

next word - we have had :)
Alohiym = God, gods - the strong one

Vay’hi’or  = “and light became”
-   not created, but brought forth

Y’hiy = yahhee…  (Genesis 1:2) “was and became
          “let there be”…   is in imperfect tense...
so that means that Yah is still bringing forth his light

‘or = LIGHT, fire shine, enlighten
aleph -(holem vav)- and resh

What is the light? - not the sun.
          = It is Torah in the form of light

-   first thing YHWH says “let there be light”


So YHUH is restoring what was created and became an astonishingly confused mess.... Just like we talked about this....

This is the same pattern as Yisra’el and man...
          mess/ sin

We need to talk about LIGHT - “Or” a bit....

First we are regenerated by Ruach and then light is going to illuminate us…
The Spirit hovering over waters and then light comes forth…
The first thing He does is move over the face of the waters...

Remember, last Shabbat we talked about how if you put sound in water molecules - light is created.

YHUH first cleanses -that which cleanses - the water -  and then light comes forth…

Yochanan (John) 7:38 p62
“He that believes on Me, as the keetvay haKodosh (the scriptures as a whole, in plural form)  have said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of mayim chayim (waters of life).”

The point being - the rivers of living water come forth referring to the Spirit of YHWH.

And Messiah also reveals Himself as the Light of the World… 

This light is not the sun… 

this is not referring to artificial light from a light bulb… but rather - it is the Word of God in the FORM of light…

Now look in
Gilyahna (Revelation) 21:23 p 927
“And the city had no need of the shemesh, neither of the yarayach, to shine in it: for the tifereth (glory) of YHUH did brighten it, and the Lamb is the Light of it.”

In the New Heaven and New earth have - the same  light that illuminated creation from the very beginning.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20p 300
“To the Torah and to the testimony:  if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them.”

          “light” in this verse = shacor = referring to the dawning - Messiah...  dawning of the day...  = having darkness pushed out -through Messiah

I Tim 6:14-16 p 905
          “dwelling in the light”
this same light is found in;
Qorintyah Bet (2 Corinthians) 4:6 p 867
          “For YHUH, who commanded the Light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our levavot (hearts), to give the Light of the chochmah (wisdom) of the tifereth (glory) of YHUH in the face of Yahusha ha Moshiach.”

= a direct reference back to the beginning...

LIGHT = TORAH = the Living Torah  =  Messiah =  is only one who has immortality  - not you and I.
          ... but once we are one with him - we are immortal through him... because he has immortality.

I Yochanan 1:6-7 p 831
“If we say that we have chavurah with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the emet.  7 But if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have chavurah with one another, and the dahm of Yahusha ha Moshiach His Son, cleanses us from all sin.”

WHAT LIGHT?? !! ??
The Light in the beginning -
B’re’shiyt 1:3 = what illuminates and separates day from night... light from darkness!

This is the pattern throughout scripture!

Plus we need to know that this “or” / “light”
is also in imperfect tense ...
... so it is not a completed act...

That means this is on going - the Light in us -pushes out the darkness - even today!

What does it mean to walk in light?

Word says:

Tehillim (Psalm) 119:105 p
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my derech.”

Mishle (Prov) 6:23 p 552
“For the mitzvah is a lamp: and the Torah is light; and reproofs of discipline are he derech of chayim.”

Yeshayahu (Is) 51:4   p 334
“Listen to Me, My people; and give ear to Me, O My nation: for a Torah shall proceed from Me, and My mishpat I will set as a light of the nations.”

Yeshayahu (Is) 5:20 p 297
“Woe to them that call evil tov, and tov evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Hoshea 6:5 p 453
“Therefore have I cut at them by the neviim; I have slain them by the words of My mouth;  and My mishpatim are as the light that goes forth.”
Mishpatim =  judgments  (Torah)...

Mishle (Prov) 4: 18 p 551
“But the path of the tzadik (righteous) is as the shining light, that shines more and more until the perfect yom of the olam haba.”

= the path of the just/righteous like a shining light...

What we ALSO need to know is
          The  “new age” puts  focus on “the light”... but they are not looking at Torah!

We need to know that Scriptures plainly define what light is...
the commandments of our God... = Torah = The Living Torah.

If you read Mishle (Prov) 4:18-22  you will see “the way of wicked is like darkness” 

This LIGHT - the Torah - the Living Torah is the same light that was in creation

We also know that light is slowing down....
ever since 1980s we know light is slowing down
we used to think it was a constant
          86,282 miles per second
Now we know that is slowing down ever so slowly.

This means at one time it was much faster than it is now!

Some scientists say that at the time of Messiah it was probably 30 X faster than it is now!

Brad says - being able to measure the slowing down of the light now we can extrapolate that backwards..  and see 30% faster at Messiah and probably thousands of times faster at creation!

We also know that sound is made of particles and those things are slowing down as well

So it is very possible when Yah said “y’hiy ‘or” = “let there be light” - that instantaneously there was light!!

Galutyah continued.... teaching #4

We must consider - what Matthew asked  -
          Do we want to live as children, nephos, in our relationship to Torah - the Book of the Law, or as emancipated heirs  ---which is Book of the Covenant???

  Because it is all Torah.  It is all about Torah - all of Galutyah

-   BUT Yahusha changes your legal status to Torah. 

Not understanding Torah and Book of the Covenant and Book of the Law and Galutyah means....

.... you can remain blind to your legal status and interpret the Torah as either:

 A - It (Torah)  is done away with.  As Matthew says ... “we’ve locked that doctrine up - right?” :)    =  It is NOT done away with!!


 B - the same as unregenerate Judaism.

Both have no better legal status than that of a house slave in their relationship to the Torah. 

BUT we want to have our legal status as emancipated!!

 So that we can relate to the Torah in the legal status as Yahusha has enabled us to  - by His blood ratification. 

Galatians is ALL about Torah and that is the the amazing truth about it.  :) 
Baruch hashem YHUH!

You see, Galatians is the foundation to understanding our legal status as heirs of the Covenants of Torah  - the Covenant of Promises as opposed to the Book of the Law. 

One doesn’t do away with another

Emancipation restores you and your relationship to Torah.

 But that is not done through the book of the law it’s only done through that which was accepted by faith

Sh’mot 19:4-8 p 63

Sh’mot 24:7-8 p 66

  All that YHUH has said we will do.

Freedom and liberty for believers is the main thrust of Galutyah.

Now listen closely -

  But it is not freedom FROM the Law  - TO syncretism and paganism and eventual lawlessness, Yah forbid!!

But rather freedom from the Book of the Law, and return to Messiah’s blood ratified Book of the Covenant given as Torah Heb 8:6, based upon the promises to Avraham.

 Hebrews 8:6 p 818
          “But no Yahusha ha moshiach has obtained a greater service, by which He also is the Mediator of a more advantageous brit, which was given as Torah based upon more advantageous promises.”

More advantageous promises = the Book of the Covenant!

  That’s what it’s talking about - you can’t separate Galatians from it’s original Tanakh basis. 

And that is where the institutionalized church has gone terribly astray. 

Because Galatians involves obedience to Torah, but it is the Book of the Covenant Torah that was accepted by FAITH at the Mountain, because that is where you become emancipated and therefore heirs.

  You understand, even in Roman law, because Rav Shilac Shaul was very familiar with Roman law  - and he says a child is under guard until they are 14 years old, until the time set forth by the father, even though they were a natural son, they ONLY had the same rights as a household slave..
....even though they were a natural son - oh you knew they had a different future on hold for them,

but until the time of emancipation, - the time set forth -
they had no different legal rights  -than that of a household slave, -

-they couldn’t inherit  the father’s estate. 

They couldn’t get the inheritance. 

But once they were emancipated, the time set forth which was about 14 years old ------  then their legal status changed in relation to law, (Torah if you will) - and they became Heirs. 

That is what we are talking about. :) 

We are still in the  introduction, but we have to understand this... before we get into the text or we will not understand

-the Polemic = the warning between the law and the law.

The dichotomy -the very different -  Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law!

  Matthew said “we have to deal with the law verses and we have to deal with them differently than they have been dealt with for 2,000 years.” 

Because it is a travesty to think that YHUH gave Yisra’el the Book of the Covenant Torah to place them into bondage.  That is a travesty!

“ No way does liberty mean being liberated from obedience to the Covenant. 
There is no way.” 
Messiah liberates / emancipates Yisra’el from what was imposed upon them at Sh’mot  chapter 32  (The Golden Calf disaster) and frees us -- to the wedding canopy of Mt Sinai where “all that Yah has said” - the book of the Covenant - Torah - “we will do.” 

That is where our inheritance lays. 

Our inheritance doesn’t lie with the Book of the Law. 

Our inheritance lies with -

-   Do we relate to Torah as a child in immaturity,
-    or as one emancipated in maturity ??????

If we just keep doing Torah parashahs...
          ... and please hear me  - there is nothing wrong with studying Torah parashahs... I am so grateful that YHUH had us focused on that for so long -

Because coming out of the popular religion of the day - Christianity - we had NO idea about what the Tanakh said!!!

 We needed and still need to study Torah parashahs....

BUT we also must be aware of what Covenant we keep - and who made it possible and how!!

Just like Christianity who is not emancipated because of immaturity about Torah
 ( You know - the “walk another way - but not teaching WHAT way),

 Judaism is a child, because they haven’t been emancipated - because they don’t know the Melchizedek High Priest - Yahusha HaMashiach - who came to show us how to live Torah, and died and rose that the Bride could be restored and remarried, that we could have eternal life!!!

We are learning the emet -
We have been emancipated by Yahusha as an heir and we relate back to the Torah of Avraham who never knew a levite and never knew a tabernacle!

 This is maturing and this has taken time and seasoning and just like Rav Shiliac Shaul who had time and seasoning... and what did they accuse him of?   -
                    - Being lawless.  - because he knew that he had been emancipated from the Book of the Law Torah and knew he was in the New Book of the Covenant Torah!! 

And if we read what this book of Galutyah really said - we will see that easily!!

We are NOT doing away with the Torah at Harbour Light Ministries!
                              YHUH forbid!

But we are done relating to it as a child!

 It is time to walk in the maturity as a son who has inherited everything that the father has for him.

 And everything that the father has for you - is wrapped up in Yahusha and His Melchizedek Priesthood.

You see, it was the fallen nature of Yisra’el that quickly changed things at Sh’mot 32 - the golden calf disaster - and the Book of the LAW-  which was beyond what was agreed to . 

Let’s understand that - The Book of the Law -  went beyond what was agreed to by blood ratification in Sh’mot 24.

Juxtaposing the law that was agreed to by faith (Book of the Covenant) ---   and the law that was imposed upon  (Book of the Law)- not faith - is the polemic - the strong warning - of Galatians.

 Plus -
We need to realize how certain passages have been orientated by theologians and have been perceived as anti-law  - When in reality the major theme in Shaul’s letter - is a warning about some kind of perversion - of the Good News - The Besorah.

So what we are going to do is dig up and make clear - the perversion of the Besorah in Galatians and get an excellent understanding of the message of redemption that this incredible book of Galutyah and tzedekah / righteousness.


Tzedekah - Righteousness must be understood by:

1.         Our individual conversion - be individually purchased.  = Individual righteousness.

Individual conversion then brings about a :

2. Corporate inclusion.  YHUH doesn’t want you to isolate yourself on a hill or in your house - He wants you to be included in community. = Corporate righteousness

Then that inclusion equips one for the life long journey of:

3.  personal transformative sanctification in Tzedekah. =  To work together in corporate and individual sanctification.  It is better to travel together because when I fall - then you can pick me up.

We have known for awhile now, that is not just an individual concept like what is taught today in the institutionalized church  =  “Me and Jesus”  - No!  - that is western individuality.  AND that is wrong.

To Shaul, it wasn’t enough to be individually justified before YHUH.. you need to be interconnected with the community of saints  = Interconnected in covenant.

And you needed to share in the same blood ratification entry by Yahusha.

You see, we need to understand Shaul was on the CUSP of the law - that transition point... somethings still needed to be figured out - yes.  And they needed to be discussed - yes.  And the message went out to the nations.. yes....

Those from Yahrushalayim were trying to define what the rules of corporate inclusion were - that is what we have to understand  - they were trying to define what the rules of corporate inclusion were - and apparently they weren’t doing too well because -  Shaul called them what??? - Those who were “propagating another gospel”. 

So, before we even get into Galatians, we need to, in the 21st century figure out  ---what is the true gospel.


There are 10 Authenticating Truths of the True Melchizedek  Besorah / Gospel :

1.  The Book of the Covenant and the Book of the Law are not 81 synonymous.  D’barim 31:26

2. There has been a change of  Law.  Heb 7:12; 7:18 and Gen 49:10

3.The rightly dividing point of the law is Sh’mot 24:11.  We keep the Covenant Torah from Gen 1:1 - Ex 24:11, not the added Book of the Law that is against us.   We must rightly divide Torah, dove tailing into the rest of the Word.  Ya breathed for teaching and correction.  2 Tim. 3:6

4.   The book of the law was added after the Golden Calf Breech.  A false gospel propagates that only the Levitical priesthood was added after the Golden calf breech.  BUT Hebrews 7:11 exposes this as another gospel.  - “If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood - for under it the people received the law what further need was there than another kohen should arise after the order of MalkiTzedek, and not be called after the order of Aharon?”  

          What law did people receive under the levitical priesthood?  It can’t be the Torah Book of the Covenant....b/c they received that in Ex 19- Ex 24, before the invention of the Levitical priesthood. 
This leaves the only thing they received under the levitical priesthood = the book of the Law.

5.The book of Ezekiel isn’t millennial, but a collection of 13 date -stamped scrolls.

6. Yirmeyahu (Jer) 33:17 p 377  “For this says YHUH; Dawid shall never lack an heir to sit upon the kesay (throne) of Beit Yisra’el.” ---          Speaks to the kingship and Levitical conditional covenant/promise, outlined in I Kings 9:5 and Jeremiah 22:30 which Yisra’el broke = a conditional covenant  - because there is not an everlasting Levitical priesthood and there has not been an everlasting king sitting on the throne in Jerusalem for the past 2000 years.  NO  - people like to divorce this - from I Kings 9:5 and Jeremiah 22:30 - the context of a conditional covenant which was broken!

7. There is an order of Melchizedek  priests here on earth.  The Master’s prayer shows us this...”Let your kingdom come on earth as it is heaven.”
Trying to isolate Heb 8:4 as a prof text  divorced from the 7 preceding chapters in Hebrews is disingenuous, but that is what people do.

8. The Melchizedek priesthood of believers are the true temple.  The temple that The Temple Institute has planned will in fact be, not the true temple, but the abomination that Yah has told us about in His scripture, to be avoiding.  B/c he has already chosen his temple.  He has already chosen his Melchizedek priests, Heb 9:10.

9. You can not add to an already blood ratified covenant.  Ex 24:7 and Gal 3:15. If the book of the covenant was blood ratified that means that you can not add anything to it.  So that when the law is mentioned... come up here and receive this law also - Ex 24:12... can that be part of the already blood ratified Covenant?  Absolutely not.  Absolutely not.  It can not be - it is ANOTHER LAW...  you have to deal with that.  and people that oppose the True gospel will skim over these things. church commentaries don’t address the book of the law.  You have to address what IS the book of the law.

10. The context the context the context of Galatians is the dichotomy between the book of the law that we are freed from, and the new covenant given as torah - the Book of the Covenant - which Messiah’s blood has enabled us to be partakers of  - the Covenant of Promise! Which we were strangers cut off from.  That faith that we are now part of (Ephesians 2).

Sh’ma Yisra’el

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