Tuesday, April 25, 2017

In the Midddle - B're'shiyt 1:6

8 April 2017
In the middle
Torah Parashah  - Tzav  - Wayiqra (Leviticus) 6:1-8:36
B’re’shiyt 1:6 Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt study

B’re’shiyt Study Guide page 27

B’re’shiyt 1:6

Vay-yo’mer  Alohiym Y’hiy raqiya b’tok ham-mayim viyhiy mav’diyl beyn mayim lamayim.”
“And Alohiym said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”
Vay’yo’mer - (1:3) and said, spoke, thin, command, promise
Alohiym = the mighty one / YHUH/ God
yihiy - let there be, became
RAQI’A’ - first mention of this word
- from the Hebrew root RAQA = to pound, to beat, or crush - to flatten or to expand
Translated in Torah as - firmament, expanse, stamp, stretch forth. 
This is about a literal meaning
         - It is the action behind what Yah is going to do here...
Y’chez’q’el / Ezekiel 25:6 - stamped
Mizmor 19:1 firmament
Mizmor 136:6; Yesha’yahu 42:5; 44:24 - stretch or to spread
Sh’mot 39:3 - literal use - in the pounding out of the beating of gold plates...
like what is going to happen with the waters...
We are talking about the spreading out of the waters in this verse... that is because what is going to happen here is ...
At this  point in Scripture - the  waters have not been divided - they are in the shamayim - the heavens...
Now Yah is going to go through the process of dividing the waters and there is going to be an expanse between the waters on earth and the waters in the heavens...this is the canopy that rained down waters.
So this is an expanse between the two waters.... and HE is going to do that by a pressing and a crushing so there is a thin water vapor between the two.
This expanse that it is between the two that we will see in the word b’tok in a minute...
literally made of the waters... the thin layer between the waters were man is going to live...
it will have oxygen ... vapor between the 2 waters...
so it is water that is very thin... we call it humidity...
We can’t exist on just O2... there has to be water in it too!!
So why do we have this big gap...  this space between ?
this space of water vapors....?
There is never a time on earth when we have zero humidity.... all over earth.... have to have water in air for man to survive...
But listen to this...
The literal picture is - the pounding of tin plates!  and  also woman kneading dough.... the thin pieces ....
this same word
is B’tok which is translated “sure” in 2 Tim 2:19
         and “steadfast” in Colossians 2:5
B’tok comes
from the Hebrew root - tavek
         which literally means  = to center, to make equidistant, to deceive.
-  That is why in Scriptures it is ... translated as  = midst, same middle.
How can making something “centered”... be associated with “deception”?
- Remember these words are not just about what took place in creation but also what it is going to be symbolically used for in other places...
- Remember the eve and morning - now that we have light and there is a distinction
now from believer’s point of view...
Yah is going to separate the waters and
         .... hasatan is going to be in charge...
remember we talked about eve and morning... and that Yah hates the mix...
well that is in the middle....
deception is being in the middle
deception is not one way or the other...
deception comes in the mixing of the two so you can’t quite discern....
-  You know - the white paint with some black.. and more black and then it is gray... but that is sort of white... right?  Wrong.
This is key .....  Someone in the middle is easiest to deceive...
Someone who has convictions one way or the other is way less likely to  be deceived!
The moderate always in between the two...just as far away from a lie as he is from the truth.
This is an important concept because this is going to be the atmosphere of hasatan’s domain...
he is called in Ephesians 2:2 ; 6:12 ; Hitgalute 16:17 - the prince of the power of the AIR..
the air is the domain of the prince..
Ephesians 2:6 the prince of the power of the air...
and he does more than that - he walks to and fro...
he’s never been to hell yet... he lives here....
He is a very real entity - the prince of the power of our atmosphere....
most of our deception comes through media.
and they - their waves come through radio and tv waves....
this is why this is not called good - because it is hasatan’s atmosphere... and because good/ tov means complete...
and he can’t declare this day good because the 2nd day is not complete. Rabbis call day 2 a day of strife
Yah doesn’t call it good because waters not complete.... says Rashi....
The task of waters is not complete until the third day!
(think about 3rd day for awhile!!!! ).

          ham=of the
          mayim = waters
viyhiy = and let it

mav’diyl = to divide
         first in 1:4 as vay-yav’del = and divided
beyn = between mayim = waters lamayim =
1.  la = (from) the
2.   mayim = waters.
B’re’shiyt 1:6


Mishle (Proverbs) 23:7 p 561
“For as he thinks in his lev, so is he...”

Mishle 23:12  “Apply your lev to discipline, and your ears to the words of da’at.”

Mishle 4:23 p 552
“Guard your lev with all diligence for out of it are the issues of chayim.”

Romiyah (romans) 12:1-2 p 848
“I beg you therefore, Yisra’elite brothers, by the rachamim of YHUH, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, kadosh, acceptable to YHUH, which is your act of reasonable  worship.

2  And be not conformed to this olam hazeh: but be transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is that tov, acceptable, and even the perfect will of YHUH.”

B’re’shiyt 1:6

Vay-yo’mer  Alohiym Y’hiy raqiya b’tok ham-mayim viyhiy mav’diyl beyn mayim lamayim.”
“And Alohiym said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”
So we have to come back to - Yah put a divide, a firmament - but the prince of the air...  has some power here.
Remember Yah hates mixed.

Sh’ ma Yisra’el.

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