Friday, May 5, 2017

Put a Difference Between - B're'shiyt 1:7

The Hebrew month of Abib (Nisan)
22 April 2017
Torah Parashah Sh’mini - Uayiqra (Lev) 9:1 - 11:47 p86
Sh’mini = eighth. 
B’re’shiyt 1:7  from Brad Scott’s B’re’shiyt Study
Healing... Put a difference between...

The people have profaned me by turning away from Shabbat. -Ezekiel 22

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Torah Parashah Sh’mini - Uayiqra (Lev) 9:1 - 11:47 p86

         - The priestly service of the Book of the Law begins.

Uayiqra 10:10 in the instructions given to the priests...
         “And that you may put a difference between that which is kadosh and defiled, and between unclean and clean.”

We see in later in Yechezkel when YHUH is talking through the prophet - why He has scattered Yisra’el / Efrayim among the “gentiles”...

Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 22:26 p 410
“Her Kohanim have violated My Torah, and have profaned My kadosh things:  they have put no difference between the kadosh and the profane, neither have they shown any difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Shabbats, and I am profaned among them.”

Remember Yahusha did not speak against Torah, he spoke against the “mixed” mess it had become with man’s traditions...

And we can extrapolate that out to today... and see all that is going on in NOT putting a difference between the kadosh and the profane and the clean and unclean. 

Back to the Torah Parashah...

Uayiqra 11 p 87  Where YHUH is making clear what is FOOD and what is not.

Most of us can remember when we woke up and realized that just because people in our society actually eat something - it does not make it food.

Most of us have come to - there are many health reasons why one should not consume pork and shellfish and the bugs that Yah says not to... but the bottom line is - we don’t do it because He said not to.

Let’s look at a couple things just to remind ourselves and clarify somethings for those who might not have had this teaching:

Mark 7:19 p 7:13
 (“Thus Jesus declared all foods clean”) - was ADDED to Scripture with in the last 200 years! 
- and this story isn’t even about food!

Acts 10:9-28 p 788  This is Peter’s vision... of the sheet coming down... and many animals in the sheet...  “kill and eat” - and there were clean and unclean animals in the sheet....

10:28... And he said to them, You know how that it is rabbinically forbidden for a man that is a Yahudi to keep company, or come to one of another nation, but YHUH has shown me that I should not call any man common, unkosher, or unclean.

I encourage you to study the parashah on your own sometime during Shabbat if you have not already done so.  :)


Let’s go to B’re’shiyt 1:7

Page 29 in your Study Guide

B’re’shiyt 1:7
“Vay-ya’as  Alohiym  ‘ET - haraqiya’ vay-yav’del beyn ham-mayim ‘sher mit-tachat laraqiya’ eveyn  ham-mayim ‘asher me’al laraqiya’  vay’hiy ken.”

“And Alohiym - (ET) made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

The first word :
VAY-YA’AS - an action word .... “and made / rearranged”...

Let’s look at the similar words that preceded vay-ya’as
         1:3 .... Vay-yo’mer = “and said”
         1:4 .... Vay-yar’ = “and saw”
         1:5 ... Vay-yiq’ra’ = “and called”
- Are you seeing the similarities in these words!??!!

ASAH = the root of VAY-YA’AS
Asah = to make, to do, prepare, perform, fulfill, appoint, rearrange

YHUH begins with the creation. 
         -there is no -  “baras” (something out of nothing)  - being done to anything for 20 verses ... until the beast of field... and then man - the things with nephesh / “soul”.

In the Tanakh - ASAH appears over 2600 times and it is mostly about man’s “doing” something

YHUH is the only one that baras... but man and YHUH - Vay -ya’as.

Here we have - this whole idea about...
....the word matching the deed
- Yah speaks and his word comes forth -  and the action happens....  and something comes forth...

What we have occurring here from 1:6 to 1:7-8.... is what is called a :

davar hilmad me’aniono = = the second part expands more than the first.  - This provides the detail from 1:6 and expands into 1:7.

davar hilmad me’aniono is an  interpretive method - like PARDES.... (Peshat, Remez, Derash, Sod)
         P - simple meaning
         R - alluded meaning - “between the lines”
         D - comparing Scriptures - bigger picture
         S - secret / prophetic

Yahusha and the Tehillim (Psalms) use this method when the 2nd part gives more detail.

Example Yahusha in His prayer says....
“lead us not into temptation” ...
 but deliver us from evil
 the meaning of “lead us not into temptation “ is expanded in - “deliver us from evil.”
The whole idea is that YHUH is going to set the pattern with His Word and deeds for man to see and understand!

Brad says....
“When the Word and deed become one - then we have a biblical truth.”

Now here is a big bomb to drop...

Remember : a biblical truth is not the same as a “fact”!

Sometimes people confuse facts with Biblical truth.

Just because something is true, does not make it biblically true.

Brad’s example of this is....
         - “some people in the world eat their babies”...
--- it is true they do that - but that does not mean it is Biblical truth.

Another example is ... the lies that we believe... 
You know, the things that sound like...

“I am not enough”....  or
“This is how it always is.”   --ETC....

Biblical truth is what YHUH declares to be true.

Biblical truth is eternal truth.

It was true when He said it.
-It’s true the day after He said it
-and it is true today
-and it will continue to be true even when we dwell with Him in eternity.

His Truth stands forever!
But that doesn’t mean that facts are truth - do not confuse the two!

Alohiym  = God - the strong mighty ONE

 ET  =  aleph Tov - Yahshua the Messiah


haraqiya  -

Ha = “the” … = the raqiya….
raqiya = being the expanse that is divided : the middle…

Remember  this statement here is an expansion of the statement that Yah already made in verse 6 = a davar hilmad me’anino.

       He already said let there be a division/ expanse between the waters and now He is going to say - “and Yah made the firmament and Yah divided between the waters…which were under the firmament”

This is that middle ground... the place that is the same distance from Truth as it is from lies.
The place that is easily convinced of error/ sin.
vay-yav’del = and divided (first in 1:4)
Then is the word -
beyn = between

 At the top of page 30 in study guide...

Mit-tachat = translated here as the word “under

root = tachat  - tet chet tet

generally translated as = under, instead of, in place of.
  =  (the mashiach tachat = the anti messiah)

The literal meaning = “something that is in place of something -            ....  something -  instead of something.”

       It is where we get the word -  “understudy”

Breshiyt 4:25  = is “a famous ‘instead of’”
- Abel was already killed by Cain, and Seth is born….    and Chava says.. “For Alohiym has appointed me another zera (seed)  INSTEAD of  Hevel (Abel) whom Qayin killed.”  = “in place of” = tachat

The whole idea here in Breshiyt 1:7 ...
is that we have the waters above which is going to represent things heavenly…
...and then we have waters and things under or below…

this is why tachat is used because the “understudy” is positionally below the lead actor, if you will…. it is positional…

By nature the one that is under wants to take the place of that which is above …

...We are going to see that picture throughout the rest of scripture with jealousy and power struggle and heavenly battles taking place where hasatan desires to be like YHUH…

The real lead  is Yahushaand there is also a mashiach tachat (anti Messiah)

The whole idea of anti messiah is not so much that he is against him or even that he is the opposite of him...

.... but that he wants to be “instead of” the Messiah!!

Breshiyt 22:13  p 23… Avraham’s Akeida
       Avraham takes Yitz’chak to the mountain…  22:8 - Yah will provide himself  a Lamb for a burnt offering… 
vs 13 - ram stuck in thicket - became the burnt offering

 1 Yochanan 4:3  p 833
“And every ruach that does not confess that Yahusha haMoshiach has come in the flesh is not from YHUH.  And this is the ruach of the anti-Moshiach, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the olam hazeh.”

 What he is saying is that in order for people to follow the mashiach tachat  - he has prepared the world spiritually ...

- In other words - he has prepared people to receive a mashiach unlike the Mashiach presented in the Torah

Let me say that again....he has prepared people to receive a mashiach unlike the Mashiach presented in the Torah

You might say... “Janet, are you kidding me??  That is crazy!!!...”

Yep, not kidding.

This is exactly why we teach the Word and keep the Torah of Melchizedek the Book or Covenant of Promise!

There are pagan traditions of man all around us!  We used to be a part of that!!

We see people embracing pagan things and calling them things of Yah and we see people just embracing pagan things.  :(
Persons not keeping the 7th day and not embracing His moedim. 

.....REPLACING -  the nature of what Yahshua  HaMashiach did on the tree ....

..... with the nature of a mashiach who did something else !!!

- Now I am going to say something that will be very challenging for some people.... but truth is truth....

The Messiah who hung on the stake in the Torah is the one who died for our sins…  

....BUT the “christ”  who hung on the “cross” - according to modern christian theology  - is the one who ended the instructions of the Torah of YHUH on the cross!  

(They do not understand that when the English is saying in Galutyah - that the LAW was hung on the tree... it was the book of the law   -the one on the outside of the ark as a witness against the people.... and not the Book of the Melchizedek covenant.)

and THAT - the mess of doing pagan things and calling it of YHUH.... and not doing the things YHUH says to do  -  is the spirit of the mashiach tachat already in the world, deceiving the world and changing the nature of “messiah”  - so that people do not understand or know of the true Mashiach.  

       (Brad Scott says...“I will continue to pound that  -- until someone shoots me dead.”)

This is why Jewish people can’t follow the christian jesus....
..... because the christian jesus - according to christian teachings and even some christian bibles... came to END THE TORAH!!! 

 ......This is Mashiach tachat!!!!

2 Thessalonians 2:8 p 899 (really this whole chapter!)
“And then shall the Torah-less one be revealed, whom Yahusha shall consume with the Ruach of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.

Galatians 3:25 cjb p 1455 “under” = “tachat”
Now this is different!!... 
       The word “tachat” is used to show that the Messiah is instead of Torah.
       BUT -  pay close attention here...
What we mean by instead of Torah” is .....rather than Torah being etched in stone tablets - we have the Word of  YHWH written in our hearts of flesh!!

Yechezkel /Ezekiel 36:26  p 422
“A new leb also will I give you, and a new Ruach will put inside you: and I will take away the stony leb out of your flesh, and I will give you a leb of flesh.”

- a new heart - a new spirit….
       This is a picture that the law/instructions will not be just on stone but in     us! 
laraqiya’= the firmament  - or what is in the middle
ubeyn = between - literally means understanding or discernment between the waters under the firmament, and the waters above the firmament
ham-mayim = the waters
‘asher = which were
me’al = translated here as “above”
   root = ‘al - pronounced “hal”
         It is a tzadi and a lamed
  It means/is translated as... (preposition)  = upon, above, over, beyond,              and in a couple of places = on high ( or Most High)
  Hoshea 7:16; 11:7 = “Most High”
‘al = means “up”
Brad says “There are things above and things below... and YHUH’s desire is not that we live one place or the other to the exclusion of the other... but live in below and see above, in order to change the things below/ here.
This is why when you reach out to YHUH and do teshuva (repent) -
-  and say ‘I want You to be - not just my savior but my Lord and my King’... when you do that, YHUH does something to your spirit -
-  He makes it holy 
-  He abides in you and He makes the very inmost being of you - comparable to the most holy place in the Tabernacle...
-  and He expects that holiness to begin to transform your mind.
-  What ever you do physically - it has to happen in your soul -
-  Even what you understand, and say - it will effect all of you - spirit, soul and body.
The soul area -  This is where the battle is all the time - and what happens in that battle is what we believe is that we believe lies.
.... It is there from those lies that we get wrong practice, wrong teaching, wrong thinking, about ourselves, other people and YHUH!
Back to B’re’shiyt 1:7  - YHUH ends this verse by saying he is going to separate the waters - those which are under, from those which are above...and ... “KEN” = the next word
ken = And it was pronounced “cain”
         It is from the Hebrew word ‘kin’ = kaph-vav-nun
         Is translated as - ‘so, yes, thus, to be ready, therefore, established,          set in order, to prepare.’
this word in Hebrew today, is “YES” ( while - ‘lo’ = “low” = no or not)
-  As in the firmament was or is being placed equal distance between the waters.
vay’hiy = we’ve already had in B’re’shiyt 1:2.
         It means =  so, became
So 1:7 we have
YHUH making/ rearranging that which was created (bara-ed)
the waters are divided between and there is a middle
under / instead of  - the concept of the Moshiach -tachat - “instead of”
we have the idea of Truth and fact...
So we have a picture of this dividing of the waters and this “instead of” plan...  where truth and fact are messed up into one...  in that middle place -
remember from B’re’shiyt 1:6 - Yah hates the middle ...
so this firmament  - the place that divides... that middle place -  “puts a difference between” what is above and what is below.
Now  I want to remind you of some things I started to teach last time...

Mishle (Proverbs) 23:7 p 561
“For as he thinks in his lev, so is he...”

Mishle 23:12  “Apply your lev to discipline, and your ears to the words of da’at.”

Mishle 4:23 p 552
“Guard your lev with all diligence for out of it are the issues of chayim.”

Romiyah (romans) 12:1-2 p 848
“I beg you therefore, Yisra’elite brothers, by the rachamim of YHUH, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, kadosh, acceptable to YHUH, which is your act of reasonable  worship.

         2  And be not conformed to this olam hazeh: but be transformed by the ongoing renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is that tov, acceptable, and even the perfect will of YHUH.”

We talked about

Resilience - the ability to look at today’s miserableness - and know that it will get better.... 

Isn’t this - putting a difference between?

We talked about faith and fear and hope and hopelessness, and justice and injustice....

We talked about how the prince of the air controls or limits Yah’s people with pain and fear of pain.

We also talked about soul injury ... a wound that causes us to “hide” who we are... it is a brokenness ... that if healed enough  - the light will come through the broken places.

We talked about with soul injury - a big part of healing is having a witness who will listen and validate the loss / injury.

and how if we are controlled by pain - we are very limited in what we can do....

BUT we are called to walk with our broken pieces glued together enough that we can function ... and the light will come through the broken places and in doing that - we will be a witness to the TRUTH here in this dark place... 

Truth needs a witness both in me and in the world!

It is essential that there is a witness ... of YHUH’s presence ...  People have to be able to see the light OF the world...IN the world...

they must see it because the Light is what gives us hope.

That’s the witness!

The LIGHT is what puts a difference between what is kadosh and what is profane. 

What if we don’t have to hurt... ?
what if we could have another thought?

Someone told me recently that a thought - not fed will last in your head only 23 seconds... and if it is not fed - it will just fall away.

Grandfather to his grandson - “I have two wolves within me and they are always fighting.  One is joy and delight and HOPE and forgiveness, and the other is pain and miserableness and unforgiveness and hopelessness.

Boy said to Grandfather... but which one wins...

Grandfather - the one I feed. 

You know - we have returned to a nation of priests...
and it is the job of priests - to put a difference between....

see Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 22: 26 p 410
“Her Kohanim have violated My Torah, and have profaned My kadosh things:  they have put no difference between the kadosh and the profane, neither have they shown any difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Shabbats, and I am profaned among them.”

What if we don’t have to be in the middle of the road any more...?

What if we actually decide which wolf we feed??

What if we choose to let the ugly - hopeless thoughts run their course for 23 seconds and NOT feed them...

precisely because we have put a difference between Truth and lies,
between hope and hopelessness....

What if we decide to recognize  the moshiach tachat?...  and put a difference between that and Yahusha haMoshiach??!!!

What if we decide today - right here and right now - to put a difference between the life giving things and the things that bring death... and I am not just talking about abomination that people all around us eat....

I am talking about life and death... 

the word says they are both before us...

but choose life that you may live.

Choose life.... 

What if THIS is resilience?

seeing the things that are not of chayim, and choosing to look at YHUH despite how we feel, or how it looks in our lives at that very moment....and recognizing that i don’t have to be ruled by pain... and hopelessness... and running to defiant faith that says...

 I am okay because YHUH is on the thrown and tho he slay me, yet will I serve Him - no matter what...

That is putting  a difference between...

I don’t have to be ruled by pain ...

and when I put this difference between..
and joy and freedom come -

then when i have put the difference between those two wolves...

then i can feed the one of YHUH and hope and life...

and THAT is my witness. 

Sh’ma Yisra’el


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